
Lies of Love 💕

December 4, 2021

It’s time to question if you’ve become a ‘sock puppet’ for those who want you to see what benefits them, but confuses you more…if you’re even paying attention? Confusion is the name of the game being played on the prey of the non thinking. Walking around with your head in the sky? Is your ego taking over for common sense? It’s happening all over the world as ‘artificial intelligence’ (Ai) is trying hard to control billions who are just ‘walking through life’ with no compass for the best directions.

Before entering any athletic endeavor in an important game, it only make sense to be fully prepared and not make a laughing stock of the lie that you were ready. The most important game in your life, IS NOT A GAME but for those who’ve made it so.

Love is not a game, yet that’s more often than not what it plays out to be. Love is a flourishing phenomenon, and far beyond an individual ‘off and on moment of pleasurable ricocheting bubbles’ of feel good moments. The definitions of ‘love’ are forever widening to fit a mental construct that bleeps in people’s minds resulting in one ‘born illusion moment’ after another.

There is a sales device called ‘Bait-and-switch’, although sometimes used in marketing to persuade the buyer into purchasing even though the service or product is replaced by something inferior. In matters of ‘initiating love’, many present an image that has little to do with everyday reality. There is an unconscious intent fueled by the desire to ‘land’ someone’s love and time where the best, but unrealistic in everyday time, false image is presented to assuredly win the attention of the one pursued. Often it’s both ‘pulling the wool’ so to speak ‘over each others eyes’ for purposes of winning possession. Leniency of truth grows if the connection is disingenuous as time goes on.

Magicians are masters in the illusion game of ‘bait and switch’. They are judged on their conscious skills. Those who fall short in their initial pledges of love are often failures on the stage of love to convince that they have found the love within them first. Love is always open to be the highest energy possible with a love connection regardless of circumstances of the future. Love has no lie within it but empathy, compassion, and the openness to always have the heart ready to give whatever and whenever possible. The greatest mystery is love, but it’s one often hidden in plain site …. and ready to bloom within, once the ‘ground is prepared’ and the right nurturing is maintained.

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Mindfullness. 🍹

December 1, 2021

No matter how beautiful and handsome you are,

just remember Baboons and Gorillas also attract tourists.

Stop Boasting

Teach a kid something through fear and it makes a lifelong impression. It is how brainwashing happens. Many of us know about the ‘fraud’, the knowing of explicit details of how, doesn’t diminish the many who appear to say little. We are somewhat ‘trapped’- even I who reach thousands. Fighting the collective ignorant has its complications.

The resistance is growing. Whenever ‘new technology’ arises, there are those who rush to use it for their benefit. History supports that!!! It’s happened with voting. Yes there will be changes. Enough? No – the correction, with its resistances, is slow. One day, voting will die for a better way to get higher quality representatives. Now, those in control, obligate themselves and their greed to squeeze every possibility to gain earth control. Of course, near term they win…later is up to the people (the people in my mind are ‘Hitler’s people’ type, or those who are silent).

In 1994 on the beginning of my world’s largest free speech display located in Venice Beach, Ca., my 3rd writing on a large dry erase board was ‘NICE PEOPLE SUCK’ – and some of them are your neighbors, relatives, friends, etc. who are just going about living. Unfortunately they are like Hitler’s people who stayed silent. It’s just collective, human nature at its slumber. Awareness, discernment, and common sense action are NOT part of the mass consciousness…like most animals of the wild who use this method to survive.

Is God testing humans? If it’s on his time to see if they catch up with the animals, who have physical liabilities unlike all the assets and tools we have, who knows? Maybe when we always see the Buddhas laughing, it really is God with his/her sense of humor? ‘Mozel tov’ to the king of the universes for a sense of humor, but the world is on the critical precipice of spiraling technology to either destroy the whole existence or raise life to higher standards. It’s no laughing matter as we need to be giving the God some completion in a quest to super conscious living and loving.

Be mindful that you need to love yourself, because unless you love yourself you cannot love anybody else. You don’t know what love is if you have not loved yourself. People say love is blind because they do not know what love is. Let it be said, only love has eyes; other than love, everything is blind. Falling in love is with unawareness. ‘Rising in love’ is to seek the peaks of love. You are love! Stop being ‘you who is missing authentic love’. Mindfulness steps aside for heart-fullness!


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She’s Homeless – 👎

November 13, 2021
La Da Dee La Da Da. She’s become a gypsy woman. Sleeping in the day, staying awake at night being vigilant for the male who might use her as a drug. How did it happen that she became a gypsy woman and a homeless soul. She was a mermaid in Las Vegas as well as playing every role available needing a dancer.

I met her one day on the Venice boardwalk. She stayed at my meditation center for a few weeks. Nearing 40, her ID was stolen by a boyfriend and son of a famous singer. He used her ID for another girlfriend. She became homeless & nameless in Hollywood. It was shocking that a pretty Las Vegas dancer with a wonderful spirit came to this circumstance. Life can have many twists and turns even for those who played a staring role once.

“Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see” but reflects denial or lack of awareness of reality, because “nothing is real, but nothing to get hung up with especially about if you make life experiences into opportunities to rise above what you fell from. Homelessness isn’t hopelessness when the heart is open to see that life is filled with many miracles that just need your openness to receive.

Always keeping love close to you, starting with opening the love that sits in your heart waiting for you to have faith in opening up to bond with your heart.. Both giving and receiving will help to open your heart. The mind is a great tool, but eventually the mind alone will leave the heart homeless. Think of the rich man who has every material, chance are likely that there will be a sense of connecting very little with the heart. In a sense, the rich can be ‘homeless’ with money and ‘things’ just continually creating barriers that avoid the real riches of the freedom of being. The greatest sense of being rich is with your heart’s overflowing with love.

Prior to going to sleep, focus on feeling love. Go to sleep with that feeling and when awakening, be grateful and thankful that you are a miracle. Connect with moments of love in your past experiences and/or be open to sending love anonymously and without the other knowing it. Step by step see the opportunity in everything as a path coming closer to love. No one was born to be separated from the conditions of love and be flung out to live a ‘ferrel life. Life is a ‘giving’, wanting you to be receiving.

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Religions End Times

December 31, 2021
We have an abandonment of questioning for the truth beyond accepting all authority.
Why not start here!

Jesus is an historical (his-story) compilation account from pagan times. ‘I love Jesus’ is as important as the old ‘believe in Jesus with faith’ and… regardless of his prior physical existence or not! Wouldn’t an understanding God agree with that? The ‘most positive one person force of positivity in the world today’ is Jesus! It doesn’t matter that he is an ‘archetype’ story! Hope, positivity, truth, and living by more than, ‘the word’ is to live in harmony with all life.

Let’s ‘cut to the chase’. People mostly use religion, as the years go on, as a way to avoid loving themselves without fear, asking questions and instead seeking the answers of the experts who spent years digging up information as to what was real in terms of the sacredness of characters in all of the ‘holy books’. Truth is, most don’t want to know, but the more inner evolved will find an even deeper love within. The reality is we are in a ‘spiritual war’ to either awaken or be controlled.

All religion will continue to wither away as the ‘religions salesmen’ discover the truths behind all religions. It’s not time yet to throw the baby out with the water because of the deep imprint of the stories. The reason NO religion will advocate serious meditation is because it will leave no need of the old religions. The weak shall inherit religion even as more truths of religions are known and people evolve. Religion is still the main healer of ‘broken people’ and/or the needy, except the ‘salesmen of religion’ don’t want you to heal too much or people won’t come back. Even though intent might be good, follow the money.

Does ‘Big Tech’ think it can (true or not some supposedly in the know say it’s alleged), through 5G, and it’s successors, raise consciousness? One way or another, as people become aware and get off their complacency to read why ‘religions’ (even with its ‘wisdoms’) are going to become less visible. Remind yourself that you have the power to transform negative into positive. When your thought changes the situation changes too, and know that will only get you through the door of ‘godliness’, and is the beginning

Adopt an attitude of gratitude not a negative, prophylactic, ambiguous attitude and no gratitude! Everyone has the ‘stardust’ within to be a being of superconsciousness. Key is to concur the intent to seek that state which is already yours for your step by step trek to ‘nirvana within’. People sometimes ask me, what religion are you? I always answer, ‘’I’m a little part of all religions and a big part of no religion’’. Arhata~

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Weird People

October 16, 2021
Are they those who are not coping or just coming
unglued with shattered illusions, yet not realizing that
their refusal to let go and move up in personal
evolvement is buying into the matrix that’s controlling their lives? Crazanity might be one word that describes this ‘transitional’(?) moment in American/world history.
Portlandia – sewer city, and not the ‘claimed’ city of Roses!? That’s the downslide like most cities in America. Most larger cities have a normal and beautiful side, however Portland is no less than the most beautiful.The weird people seem to look weirder though, especially compared to a few short years
ago. Blue hair, purple hair, green hair, unkept, scraggly hair etc,. is common whether old or young. Not a city of pleasant looking people, and especially now with graffiti (called tattoo’s) on a significant number of people adorning most of the body it seems.
We have witnessed the greatest civil destruction in America’s history…Riots, looting,
violence, death and destruction have all come knocking. Businesses, federal property, historic statues and monuments, livelihoods of innocent people and much more… burned to the ground or destroyed by the bloodstained hands of hate.
Everywhere there is a wall, it has graffiti on it, actually some of it is really artistic. Don’t like seeing George Floyd taking up infinite more space on walls than Jesus (not that I like to see the
glorified paintings of the ‘sun of god, ergo from the old man in the sky’). Nice
thing, Muhammed doesn’t have a picture! The hair cuts that many wear?
Horrible….especially among the young – gotta wonder where they work? Now with government subsidizing, maybe they don’t have to.
Actually, with .10¢ for empty can and lot’s of people being too good to save them, one can do well going thru the garbage to make $40.00 per day with no taxes plus food stamps and maybe some supplement government income…well, you can’t buy a house, but you can live ok if you don’t have kids.
Very few people are not walking (so it seems) robots here. Masks, head phones,
walking and talking with a smart (?) phone, smoking, sun glasses when not
needed….covering the head is often a good thing as you don’t have to look at the ugly hair
styles. Oh, and there is obesity…seems that it’s 25-30% of people. Over weight by 10-20% is
one thing, but seeing human balloons is something else. As it’s not nice to be judgmental, please forgive me, and have compassion for everyone regardless.
Oh, I forgot the occasional babbling screamer, especially in cities with more people. All this and more, however living in a beautiful neighborhood is to be grateful for the many blessings.
Nevertheless, it’s great living in God’s country! I’m declaring people like myself who are more informed, than 90%, to be the new non violent Antifa (anti fascists), and the real ones who see we are on the ‘eve of destruction’ and takeover by greed and those
acting like robots inspite of living in the most opportune time ever to be
evolving into superconscious beings. All being said, there is much to be thankful for at this moment in time.

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Wise & Dumb

October 7, 2021
Wisdom may be the ‘cream’ of intelligence but
intelligence is often used inappropriately for ‘intellect’. First of all, ‘wisdom’ is ‘wise & dumb’ or first admitting that one knows nothing. That being said, an ‘intellectual’ has a higher problem solving mind and memory ability than intelligence. The intellect is more likely to argue. Intelligence is balanced with many internal qualities, among them compassion, empathy, easier ability to open to emotional qualities and with a more open heart as well as a spiritual acumen. IQ measurement is wrongly classified as ‘intelligent quotient’ when in fact it’s ‘intellectual quotient’ .
Having worked in a ‘high intellect’ world and had many friends with high intellects, it’s been my experience that common sense, happiness, inner fulfillment are more missing the more heartfelt, well rounded behavior of the word
meaning of intelligence. Many intellects lack the ability to process the emotional, spiritual, and common sense which is intelligence. An uneducated farmer certainly can be more intelligent than an ‘intellect’ who will
argue ‘that point’ as they will so many things (which can be valuable, but myopic and unfulfilling).
Of course, many are not either of high intellect or intelligence. Conversely, it’s rare
that someone has high intelligence and intellect together. It’s no longer a ‘dualistic world’ (unless you unintelligently make it so) where there are two sides to most
things. It always has been a non duality world where there are infinite answers to many things and/or degrees of projection but mostly unrecognized.. A few years
ago it was standard to say there were 12 different colors. Now it has been established that there are over 1,000 levels of color. That’s non dualistic, and infinite
things are the same.
We humans like to simplify things, especially those in control, by saying it’s this way or that without any intelligence/intellect to see the infinite possibilities. Set fire to the attachment to the
bad memories of yesteryear. Knowledge makes you leaned, wisdom makes you innocent. Knowledge makes you very ego-fulling. The ego feeds on knowledge. Wisdom happens only
when the ego disappears. Death of the ego is a birth of wisdom. Knowledge depends on words as well as memory. Marry the heart, not the mind or intellect. This doesn’t mean to not value knowledge, but knowing is a different
quality. Be aflame with silence and joy. Become a fire of your heart, and letting it be lit through meditation and love will be deepened. Knowledge is safe, but risky. Knowing is solid. Have the guts to let go and focus on the light of
the heart.

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Jesus Zombies

October 1, 2021
I am not a Christian. Those who say they are, are mostly neither hot or cold. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth -Revelation 3:15-16
Lukewarm is to be a somnambulist or one who sleep walk through life living from one habit to another without sweeping out the bad or dirt. The average Christian does a lot of mental gymnastics that amount to nothing to contributing to positive evolvement of a world on the edge of Armageddon where the forces of good and evil are in our lives now.
If you’re not a Christian, and have no interest of course, be respectful to those who are, for perhaps they have chosen a better life than many lost souls like the boozers and substance abuse people. We are all at different levels of development. In a way, one is no higher than another. Those who are very attached to a religion (especially at an early age), in my experience are led to believe that to be their best safety net.
In my view, perception certainly can be a reality. Dropping all religion, one can be godless, but godly. Faith, for its beauty for those who have no ‘way of self love within’ is valuable yet faith has doubt within.
If you have knowledge, as valuable as it can be, it’s not as deep as knowing. Knowing needs not faith or belief, knowledge often does.
‘Religiousness’ (devotion to a meaningful way of life) is a dance
of romance with existence where you are always harmoniously
positioned with all that comes your way from feelings, perceptions, and the outer world. It is a rainbow of colors in thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
There are many religions to choose from besides Christianity. Some are Hindu, Buddhist, Vedic, Jewish, Islamic, Tao, Jaina, Tantra, Yoga, Sufi and Zen. Then there is the new one, ‘The Church of Covid’.
Remember, the world is no more than a reflection of who you are in thinking and feeling. Set fire to your brain and come out of the closet of bad habits and apathy. Your brain and heart are your havens, but not for just sleep walking. Let Go and be born again each day to serve your spiritual evolvement, and the world at large which is your stage to be the best you can be – and that primarily means ‘inner love’.
Be thankful for religion setting the tone for higher inner qualities, but there are higher steps out of religion. Meditation and Yoga done with deep commitment will let go of illusions and negativity, and open the doors to your higher calling. Take one step into the light at a time for your inner growth. Only thing that comes to you without effort is old age. Be like the finest wine that’s aged well. Make love your devotion!

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Popsicles in the Sun

Popsicles in the Sun
August 5, 2021
Using the wrong word today in the wrong place to the wrong person, the wrong way, etc., is likely to go over like a melting popsicle in the sun. Examples would be the ‘A’ word, the ‘B’ word, the ‘C’ word, the ‘D’ word, the ‘F’ word, the ‘G’word (gullible), the ‘H’ word, the ‘I’ word, skipping ahead, the ’N’ word, now ‘R’ word, etc. Another letter that seems under attack for misuse, sadly, is the ‘L ’word’!
‘Love’, or at least that which doesn’t stand the many trials of life, melts away sometimes in anger when seen that expectations were or not being not fulfilled. Life can be a sticky, endless situation to hide from the drip side of who you are. Time today to fess up to where all the obstacles in life are coming from, not to mention a healthy lack of solutions. Even the devil knows it’s you with clouds in the sky of your brain. Tell yourself, are you really happy in this challenging world? If it’s not a clear yes, then who better to fix it than you. You’re running out of time!
Breaking up needs to be with love and kindness instead of making it a sticky or traumatic abuse of love. The initiator of any breakup needs to use full acknowledgement of empathy and compassion. Love has its downside when allowed to sour with lack of attention, particularly with little help from those not adept at receiving and giving due to mental and heart roadblocks. Always come out of the shadows where the best of you is hidden waiting for discovery.
Getting high on stimulants rather than the love within, or with your partner, makes about as much sense as a
pregnant mother looking to get high on booze and smokes ignoring the negative
karmic effects on the unborn while later wondering where they came from. Not
rocket science, that more than one is being fed who will likely grow up with a predisposition to pass on the liabilities acquired so thoughtlessly. Imagine buying a new car with used parts for a discount that makes for recurring troubles while wondering what’s happenin’.
Sustainable inner happiness begins with putting the best things in the mix. The good news is anyone can fix whatever is wrong with today’s techniques and information, and they are free! Problem is, most of the troubled are too busy struggling in life to stay afloat of being caught between the marginal good times and the persistent dark times fighting for equal time. Usually with that is a lack of inertia to stop and look at what the problem is. Of course, ignoring that it’s them! A great piece of wisdom is in this Chinese proverb -“Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.”

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Whoreable Scam

Whorable Scam 😮
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July 15, 2021

Recently I learned, I had met a 19 year old girl a few years ago who had stayed at my Venice Beach ‘Yesss Meditation Center’. Since her happenstance locating me, and our recent reconnecting, many ensuing phone conversations have happened after 20 some years. This girl, now a successful Vancouver BC political analyst of 43, has recently confided in me, that as a naive girl on her first backpacking trip, which happened in Mexico, she was traumatically ‘scammed’ a couple of times. She, shortly after, showed up at my center. Apparently, regardless of my having forgotten, I had unknowingly helped her heal a bit from her then recent debacle. Part of her reason for diligently locating me was to thank me.

Like my ‘long forgotten friend’, few escape the unknown and/or unexpected experience of being ‘tricked’ into believing someone’s self serving agenda to exploit their gullibility to participate in something that is nothing but a method to selfishly benefit them. On a personal basis it can happen in a ‘love relationship’, or differently, as it did to me a couple of years ago, in a tenant refusing to payment monthly rents for reasons of selfish ‘entitlement’.

It’s a racket in any case and in worse case a Frankensteinian abomination that happens in politics sometimes aligned with economics, racism, the medical cult, media, even religion, or a ponzi scheme, etc. Abuse for control or profit happens in all kinds of mandates for control through fears and mind manipulation. In a sense, the perpetrator is a stalker of your obstructed freedoms from knowing the truth and being free. Evil sometimes slithers in looking like anything that’s good and safe and, sadly, often works. Are even doctors ‘indoctrinated’ by Big Pharma as well as their other overlords.

These ‘non do gooders’ are quacks, and in street talk,‘Shit disturbers’. These deceivers real danger is that they often believe their own lies. To go against their belief is very uncomfortable to them. Think of it as a ‘religious cult’ whose thinking goes very deep and they accept everything that profers their belief. If you are in the invisible cult and you begin to question too loudly, you will likely be ostracizes by those who don’t realize that they have become ‘stupidized and idiotize into dishonesty and harm to themselves and others. The con if accepted, can also cause the victim to unknowingly pass it on to others.

The methods in this hi-tech world to hornswoggle most of the populace, who as of yet, are still living in the simpler past, are infinite. Money and greed are friends for all but the few who value the spiritual life of loving themselves and others. Being awake and discerning is key.

Let every situation that appears ‘too good to be true’ become a time for a mental negotiation with reality to rise above the negative. If you have a feeling you’re being hoodwinked, always have contingency plans to avoid it in case your intuition is right. Life is a ‘jewel’, keep it safe and enjoy your blessings. Arhata~

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Father in the Sky

Father in the Sky 🌈

July 11, 2021

Did he come from the Milkman? They did have stories about them when they were a part of American society. Anyway, part of one’s spiritual/conscious awareness is to let go of programming that, well is a block. One large one is how man has ruled most every aspect of the world for good and often for ‘no good’.

Recently we have been inundated with the fact that just regarding humans as male or female is an over simplification, and that there is a lot ‘in between’ such as people being both. One of the names used for that ‘element’ of human is the LGBT person (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transexual)…perhaps there will be more by the time you read this? In many ways, it’s a good thing. This duality world where everything is black or white, male or female, good or bad needs a whole new ‘reboot’ to a ‘non duality’ world with many possibilities existing.

From the beginning of humanity, males, and male energy have always dominated for good, bad, and every thing imaginable. Who created a God in the sky? Named him our ‘father in the sky’? Who created all the religion scriptures of holy books? Man, man, man everywhere’ man’. Females being more necessary than men has been seriously considered, and yet they inherit the volatile ‘Mother Earth’ while males get the skies and entrance to Heaven (St. Peter guards the gates).

Even on a more mundane level we have the ‘mail man’ – why is that? Double your pleasure? Now we have ‘emails’ too! The female gets ‘fema’ camps’ (using fe and ma!). It’s time to look beyond all the good males have done, but also see the violence, destruction and murder that is 95% male. More and more males are not needed for we have ‘sperm banks’ readily available. The world, as well as the individual, needs a softer more spiritual energy to lift the clouds of darkness that float over all too much in lives needing more nurturing and bliss for a taste of ‘Heaven on Earth’. Just maybe this ‘Heaven’ is not guarded by St. Peter (what a phallic name!) but by a ‘Helen as a Gate to Paradise’, or in the truth of ‘non duality’ the real experience is without words of material imagination.

Love, and its deep wordless meaning is a portal to something we call God. Maybe we can only find the answer to that by finding the deep love within, and maybe it’s not even a ‘maybe’? Let go, and bliss comes for you and also consequently to bless all others.

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