
Careful Who You Love

January 25, 2022
Love can be like fresh fruit. Love is a mysterious energy that is like fruit that either gets old and unrecognizable, or a magic happens and it gets better. Love at its peak is the greatest freedom while at its low point, becomes invisible as just a word. Love for each person is a unique experience with variable intensities or lack there-of. The highest love is one with neither a high or low intensity but one that reverberates consistently apart from the occasional peaks of highs and lows created by circumstances of the moment.

Always remind yourself to look at your experience with awareness of loves feelings. Love’s unobstructed flowing happens of its own accord like breathing, but know when it’s not a feeling, then likely you can’t beg, borrow, or steal to feel. When emotions go up or down, see them with the intent of awareness. Always be aware, mindful, heartfelt, and you will be awake. The mindful heart is to be ‘the awakened one’. Some call it ‘enlightenment’. To be ‘enlightened’ is to be ‘ordinary’ with a full open heart and mind. Love is a caviar for the spirit.

When your heart is in the right place, ‘everything’ will fall into the right place. Know that the mind is a tool and doesn’t need the heart, but then you are handicapped and live in a selfish, barren, shallow world that misses the inner joys and blessings of life, but also it’s not in ‘tune’ with the lives of others to use heartfelt empathy and compassion. A life primarily in the mind is the cause of the ‘world’s ills’. Time to live on a ‘prayer of goodness and pulchritudinous’. Those living to reap control and the gluttony of money need a strong ‘us’ to control them and hopefully help them see their unconscious ungodly ways.

The world needs to trade in its armies for ‘armies of love’! For this army you need to change the outer and begin preparation for battling ‘anti love habits’ that you’ve managed to become friends with. These consist of personal outer care, to habits of how you speak and listen, etiquettes, and of course substance abuse habits including smoking. Simultaneously follow the intent to make all situations that come as opportunities to convert them to the highest possible response. In addition to those mental behavior corrections, make it a point to put aside a half to an hour for the use of many forms of meditation. They will smooth over any rough edges and open the heart to spread and see more light of joy, enthusiasm, and blessings to give back to being here at the best time in life to express love. Love is fragile and how and who you give it with, the closer they are, will enhance love’s expressions, or leave love in the dark. Always choose the light where God is `synonym for a higher consciousness.

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Ancient Religions Exposed

Ancient Religions Exposed

Exposing secrets of where todays religions came from – what’s true and what’s a story? Acharya S is a leading ‘Mythicist’ and a legend for going deep down the ‘rabbit hole’ of thousands of years to uncover the ‘timeline’ of what evolved into today’s ‘religion books’ with a primary focus on Christianity. There are shocking revelations within her books and interviews.

Her works reexamine where the characters of the Bible came from including Jesus. She never recommended that Christianity be like ‘throwing the baby out with the water’ as it has great importance and wisdom for today’s world. She affirms that Jesus is the one most positive force in today’s world, but from a different perspective that not everyone is ready to see.

After long years of research, books, and interviews, Acharya passed away from breast cancer far too young at 55 on Christmas Day 2015 in Ashland, Oregon. Strangely, and reminiscent of ‘the Twilight Zone’ TV series given the nature of her studies, her next birthday was to be on what was then Easter Sunday on March 27th, 2016. As my very best friend, I dearly miss her as many others do. I felt to add one of her video interviews here. A list of her books include ‘The Christ Conspiracy’ as well as ‘Did Moses Exist’? Acharya succeeds in creating the journey to making the religion of Christianity simpler to understand, and peak the curiosity enough to research the deeper story more.

D.M. Murdock A.K.A. Acharya S. Interview at River West

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In One Ear …

January 21, 2022
Since childhood, we’ve all heard the expression, ‘In one ear and out the other’! Parents everywhere are always frustrated when conveying some messages of importance of expected behavior to their child, instead left a bit frustrated that they seem to be the only ones really hearing it. It’s like never having said it or speaking to a ‘brick wall’. It’s like speaking to a typical cat or dog, they don’t seem to grasp information that makes life easier for their ‘owner/caretaker’. It’s as if the ‘frequencies don’t connect’.

Consider the possibility that many just don’t selfishly care to let another’s ideas enter their particular status quo. Consider the possibility that you may be the one guilty of not listening to your own common sense or moral whisperings. Consider the possibility that the only thing that’s keeping us from seeing what’s going on in your personal world and the world at large is your inability to think and see clearly. Consider the possibility that what’s keeping most from a blessed life is a complete misunderstanding that you are your own worst enemy because of leading a life of ‘in one ear and out the other’.

There is so much coming into the door of your mind that you may reject by ignoring that which might be helpful to your life. Always know that you have all the answers you need within, but you may not ever hear what is best because of the defenses that you use to avoid. One of them, of course is fear of learning something that will help that happen. There is every possibility that all this confusion happening in the world is causing you such confusion by design that you becoming fodder for artificial intelligence (Ai) that is being used more everyday to downsize your mind to think above what amounts to a robot.

Use of computers are a blessing to be more informed on all matters in our lives, but computer like technology is also being used to ‘chip’ your mind and put you in a mind and freedom-less box that becomes harder and harder to escape from. All qualities in your soul become dimmer in expression like empathy, compassion, the ability to make positive decisions and all aspects of love. In fact love in its deeper senses will become just a thought or word which is controlled by computers somewhere out there in the world.


George Orwell’s chilling final warning to humanity 🎞️

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Fear Cripples Love 🆘

January 19, 2022
Why make a life career out of your fears. Fear is a great thing! Practical fears that is like when crossing the street. Responsible fears are common sense. Fear is a mind killer when it’s not necessary. Always let fears be common sense or that which motivates you to do good.

I have a fear of heights. So to get over it while in NYC, I rented a one bedroom with a balcony on the 40th floor (of course, it was mostly because I wanted it). Occasionally I would lean against the rail to no avail to see if I conquered the fear. Also, many times I went to the top floor of the World Trade Center, again to no avail. Some things are not easy to ‘level out with’, but keep trying. I was on the shy side socially (internally I have no fears of closeness). To get over it, I gave many parties in my 20’s and 30’s and also was a Corporate salesman, and had to call or meet top executives frequently. It worked! 28 years I continue doing public free speech displays. The shyness disappeared long ago. However, with a group or even one person where I’m not ‘in charge’, I continue to have an introverted side. The key is to stay centered and calm and with acceptance of how you feel.

Years ago, in Venice Beach, I hosted a ‘fire walk’, which is a barefoot walk over hot coals in bare feet. The instructor was a large guy named Bear, who was an ex Marine who served 3 years in Vietnam with lots of combat experience. After the ‘fire walk’ he gave a talk and admitted he had one fear he was not able to concur. The fear of intimacy.

Real love expresses itself best when all blocks disappear. It’s a choice. Most of us experience ourselves as bodies and consider physical attraction and physical attachment as an expression of love. However the deepest love is spiritual and happens when two souls are able to walk in and through each others lives with total freedom. My experience is that there needs to be no barriers, no expectation, no desire for each other…at all…ever. There is complete transparency and each one is so strong within themselves that no matter what the other may say or do they can never be hurt. Once again this high spiritual destination is not easy to see, let alone reach, simply because our attention and energy has become almost constantly attached ‘down here’ in the physical. The mind is a barrier to all deep love… the mind is just a tool like a computer. Above the mind is another dimension waiting for your soul to be open to it. Let go of ‘fear of intimacy’ especially!


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Love Only in Your Mind

January 16, 2022
Dry love is on the paper mind only. Love is a feeling that
sometimes rivets through out our bodies. Love is the greatest
mystery and also the greatest gift known in the world! The
energy creates tears of joy and bliss as well as every positive
emotion and mind high that is available when in tune with whatever evokes it, from the smile of a new born to the tears of their passing.
Dry love has within it, tentacles of the negative when not in a harmonious positioning with the recipient. The sun helps life blossom, and yet its heat can be like a hot desert, and the lack of it like the Antarctic. Love happens in its full flowering when in tune or balance with what the receiver can handle for best expression. Too much love or too little has a karmic reaction that is evident to that. Life is a reaction or a response. A response when in tune with the giving or receiving, and a reaction otherwise. Love’s energy, is kind or in tune with the circumstances and never thrust to an unwelcoming recipient.
At the University of Southern California’s Habit Lab, they study how and why people learn to change their behavior. People who go to the gym a lot, for instance, don’t have to decide to go every time—they just sort of find themselves headed in that direction at the appropriate moment. Those many who have ‘inner conflicts’ and dark moods that they don’t wish on themselves, need to start a habit of ‘clearing the mind’ and practicing positive thoughts and feelings. An excellent helper is to find a quiet space to let go of thinking. Meditate for up to an hour a day, much like going to the gym, only
peace and awareness become the incentive. Soon it becomes a natural, ‘no mind’ decision to do it.
Once the habit becomes more than a habit, but an automatic part of life in the quest for more peace and harmony, it just breaks the fogs and disturbances of the mind to flower into an energy known as love. It begins to come into view and experience when meditation creates a ‘letting go’, and a replacement of self love slowly creates a rebirth within. Dry love, which is mostly of the mind that often comes out as self anger and confusion, recomposes itself into a ‘wet love’ or love that is ‘vertical’ rather than ‘horizontal’ or FLAT. Control the mind, but leave the heart open with no control. Life expressed best is love. You owe you the love of yourself.

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ABC ‘Always Be Clear’

December 25, 2021
‘On a Clear Day You Can See Forever’ was a song by Barbra Streisand in the ‘late 1960’s’. With a clear mind not attached to negativities and a heart as open as it can, especially with a partner, the world will be seen with the best human insights. Did you ever say goodbye to someone knowing it would be forever? Always be seeing (ABC), and realize why you are seeing, feeling, and what are you doing to maximize that? How can you be other than a robot if you don’t know what you’re seeing and how you feel about it? Help yourself.

Clear yourself. Clean you mind of negativity. The doesn’t mean that you cannot recognize the negative, but why be negative about it so that it affects more than a few moments of your life, then move on to seeing the positive? Positivity is ubiquitous or everywhere just needing your intent and acceptance. Get it on with yourself first before anyone else. Those who also have are best to be interested in. Remove or distance everyone from you life that doesn’t have the integrity to relate to you in a positive, caring, open, relaxed manner.

To keep the lies going, you create more lies to cover them. ABL or always be lying and you will never see what’s real. You’re so much better than you know. Being lost in illusion is the time to come home and know who you really are with mind and heart connected. Let the ‘fog’ lift to see the sun of light peeking in to soon become the light to guide your way. It’s helping yourself. Life has more moments of loneliness when you’re in the dark of who you really are. Tune in and turn on the seeing within.

Friends are becoming, or have become more like hidden enemies. Rare is someone able to not name someone(s) who was close to them who will not now communicate anymore. To clear that up is like having to go through a wall of natural internal resistances which is quite reasonable when the person has not even responded to some form of light contact.

When the deepest love is spiritual, and it happens when two souls are able to walk in and through each others lives with total freedom. There are no barriers, no expectation, no desire for each other…at all…ever. The emotional and especially, the spiritual must be open with each. Loving oneself is to clear the skies and heavens above and within. If love is hard to face, may you reach the courage to ‘ABC’ to reach your inner sanctuary and experience it! Love that works best needs and open, clear mind and heart.

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Suicide of Religion 🚨

January 5, 2022

Let’s ‘cut to the chase’. The seeming secularization of America in a ‘reset’ is not a problem, unless a mindful, heartfulness into a great awakening doesn’t fill the gap of religion being downplayed into meaninglessness. Are the people up for that? Can the masses let go and raise consciousness in a positive way? Is memorizing scriptures in a holy book going to get you to some nirvana. Maybe this is nirvana, at least sometimes, yet purgatory most of the time. And, a Hell for all sometimes, but especially for those facing a karma for their ‘sins’.

Religions are a way of life, and are really a necessity at this time of human development, in a way just as adherence is to the constitution. Structures to follow are a guide or rules to maintain a harmony and a common sense for most everything. For the general population to be lukewarm about life’s written scriptures and instead following a path, leading nowhere and/or to a place no one would choose is to ‘miss the mark’ of the greatest moment in history.

Proselytizing to others is a turnoff to most listeners who have no interest in listening. Most listen because they are not accustomed to smiling and walking away as they don’t want to be ‘discourteous’. It’s a mind thing of the proselytizer to satisfy their ego at another expense of having to listen. The one that pushes a sales pitch for conversion, that in the past barely worked, becomes even further away in this fast moving, developing technological world. Needing the scripture of an ancient book, is an old attempted way to convert, while connecting to the heart and common sense is fulfilling an intent to find the quiet space within doesn’t need any ones words.

Making language a mind field for agenda of both control and money is to trick people into being lemmings without common sense intelligence. To follow an illusion that is purported to be the word of god, may well have merit for the majority, but escaping from that mixed bag of truth and lies into a world of awareness and love is a spiritual pathless path. The path of ‘open eyes, heart, and questioning’ is a religiousness apart from all ‘holy scripture’.

All religions today are stuck in a trap of ‘quicksand’ that is a destination of missing who you really are, missing the fruits of bliss and joy that come as a reward for those deeply following a wordless spiritual path. There is a technique to unhook or detach from the negatives of the past that allows an open window of seeing who you really are inside – Meditation.

Every new arrival into any society is given mother’s milk, stirred and shaken, with a sufficient dose of “America the Beautiful” or “God bless Jesus,” or whatever is needed to convey the emotional essence of the fairy tale. The child is helpless. To survive, swallowing the milk is choiceless, no matter how contaminated. The same was done to the mother when she was also small and helpless. Soon, more and more details are added to embellish the fairy tale and establish its “truth.” Every culture has its own version. One society might insist that there is a God in the sky who is superior to all and everything. That he has a “son” who can walk on water as proof of his superiority over his sheep. That his earthly lieutenants are superior to ordinary sinners. That even a God-fearing sinner is superior to any non-believer. Instead, find the deep love within as a guide.


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Cyborg 👀 Lover 🐑

December 20, 2021
The question is, ‘what are you doing personally and with your abilities to make life more filled with love and meaning? It’s not hard to see that we can be living in a collective, evolving environment where all the merits like integrity, compassion, common sense, self love, etc. are the ‘quests’ in more and more lives. 

Instead it seems to be a ‘spit it out’ who you think you are where religion or spiritual evolvement is nonsense. Eating smoke to relax, or for whatever reason, is creating more tin pot heads. When I was 21, I would have said the same thing. For some of us, we are aware that we have no age except for the body we need to care for, and it’s not just the body, but the mind, heart, and psychological state to be as positive as is possible.

The misuse of ‘uncontrolled’ artificial intelligence for greater manipulation of humans to be like sheep in a pen. It’s happening more now than ever, using every means to confuse, and dumb down personal abilities from having the freedom to make decisions with a sharp mental and heart connection. No longer are people as free as they seemed to be in the past, especially with controls being implemented during current ‘virus/mask’ times. The making people into human robots who take orders from controllers is certainly on the drawing board as its thought that the masses won’t even realize they have become cyborgs with mechanisms introduced inside the body for someone to manipulate. Emotional and spiritual feeling will be replaced to instead make a functioning, cold, responsive-to-orders ‘zombie’ robot, in other words a ‘dumkopf’ with no freedoms.

Love will be void of most feeling (not unlike what it is for many anyway) and be a word used to manipulate and convince most as they accept a lower vibrational frequency that the brain sees as normal.

‘Relationships as a spiritual journey’ is my main interest, and as I look around with eyes even more ‘wide open’, I see that concept as a ‘WHAT’…what’s dat? Love is a loser and fear along with ‘lack of self awareness’ is the winner? Are we becoming evolving ‘cyborgs’? Are we giving ‘Ai’ free reign to increase that result? Seems obvious! It seems that all but a few accept, without questioning the conundrum that couples have on ‘going challenging personal problems’ as the norm, when really it’s laziness in not pursing a balance between the mind and heart. It’s what the apocalypse is about – lifting of the veil to expose the illusions and lies. Let more and more truths get under your skin!! Be a ‘gatekeeper’ to negativity and ignorance.

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Verbal Sucker Punching

December 16, 2021


We all need more verbal, and action ‘sucker punching’, but in acts of love that come unexpectedly from someone giving with love. Life without love is a lonely life that few would want if they only knew how to reboot their own ‘self love’ that is hidden in plain access within them. My experience is that people who start a negative reaction or especially initiate a negative interaction (verbal sucker punching) are in some kind of unresolved pain within them still carried from earlier experiences.

Those who are not posed to be realistically critical of themselves are doomed to repeat negative behavior until they do depart from this planet. The best time ever to correct what’s causing mental, psychological, emotional, and spiritual barriers to loving oneself and life is to ‘initiate the intention’ to access what you need to address an acceptance of who you are at this moment, and how that blocks you from a deep self love. In a strange sense, they will be sucker punching what’s been allowed to continue to repeat as negatives within them year after year.

Loneliness, with a looming sense of depression, comes from ignoring your connection to the heart and hidden self criticism of your worth in life. That first manifests in oneself not only in repetitive, yearly sleep walking on a ‘treadmill’ that goes round and round as nothing changes. Your outlook and participation in life may have its qualities, but not for your inner happiness and joy with what’s not working for you. Are you a ‘vicim of yourself’?

What’s not working for many people you may connect with, apart from your qualities, is the negativity that you frequently shower on them. Sometimes that’s being triggered by others freedom of expression and what they regard as positive freedom of speech and interaction. Being open to positive and healthy dialog perpetuates that behavior. Why selfishly disturbs others who are sensitive to your unresolved habits manifesting themselves at others expense?

We all are ‘perfect beings’ deep within, except that most accept the ‘outer them’ as who they really think they are. With little or no care and attention given to eliminating the ‘rocks or negativity’ you are preventing them from inner joys and happiness. Couples often error in thinking that ‘lack of money’ is their overriding problem when in fact it’s their lack of ‘self love’, and a refusal to see that it’s their shorting the love within them. The mind is a wonderful thing, but only when in harmony with an open heart that closed is just a seeming immovable huge bolder to the blessings that are hidden in plain sight. Stop the mind from sucker punching yourself and others without instead showing your loving from the open heart. It’s only you who can invite lasting deep love within, or decide to stick with only the troubling mind. Love frees you for more love.

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Fire & Rain 🔥 🎼

December 10, 2021
I’ve seen fire, I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen dark, I’ve seen light. I’ve seen pain, I’ve seen love. I’ve seen hate. The question is, have you seen only ‘seasonal love’ or love, to one degree or another, that comes and goes? Real love knows no seasons. There is a song with these meaningful words: Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you You’re my end and my beginning Even when I lose I’m winning ‘Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you. Put your cards on the table, we’re both exposing our hearts risking it all, though it might be hard.

Let it be! Are you rolling in the deep of self pity and criticism without seeing that you are the only perceived enemy without recognizing that behind the false layers are the ignored angels that will give you all the heart that you are open to. Switch the attitude approach to the affirmative. Always say ‘YES’ even if it’s a no. An example would be, ‘no thank you, but I could be open another time’, or maybe, ‘nah I’m not interested, but thank you for the thought’. There are infinite ways to decline with a positive (yes) ‘no’ that makes the other feel fine.

Too many people use the other as an unconscious guinea pig for their love expression to satisfy their own gratification which ends up being less than the recipient initially expected. Using another as a ‘guinea pig’ for your mediocre, self aggrandized love is a spiritual or moral crime. Always, it’s a moment to saturate the brain with rain, meaning ‘use a brainwash’ or a clearing of all negative. Helps for a heart wash too! In any case, remember there is ‘madness in the air’, you don’t need it in you too!

Leading a life by the idiom of ‘fire and brimstone’ is hell mixed with love that is inflicting masochistic torture on the ‘brain and heart cells. There is only one possibility for sanity to exist in relationships so they don’t turn into inferiority and superiority games, so they don’t become sado-masochistic tortures. And that only possibility is in the presence of an unconditional love. Love is the greatest alchemy. Be fulfilled so that nothing more can be added to your experience. Seek to fill the ‘gap’ between your love experiences and all that is possible so that you are filled with a love that is not less than any you can imagine. Once that happens, you are forever in total love with your real self. We live in a world where nothing is certain but you finding the love within you!


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