
Whoreable Scam

Whorable Scam 😮
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July 15, 2021

Recently I learned, I had met a 19 year old girl a few years ago who had stayed at my Venice Beach ‘Yesss Meditation Center’. Since her happenstance locating me, and our recent reconnecting, many ensuing phone conversations have happened after 20 some years. This girl, now a successful Vancouver BC political analyst of 43, has recently confided in me, that as a naive girl on her first backpacking trip, which happened in Mexico, she was traumatically ‘scammed’ a couple of times. She, shortly after, showed up at my center. Apparently, regardless of my having forgotten, I had unknowingly helped her heal a bit from her then recent debacle. Part of her reason for diligently locating me was to thank me.

Like my ‘long forgotten friend’, few escape the unknown and/or unexpected experience of being ‘tricked’ into believing someone’s self serving agenda to exploit their gullibility to participate in something that is nothing but a method to selfishly benefit them. On a personal basis it can happen in a ‘love relationship’, or differently, as it did to me a couple of years ago, in a tenant refusing to payment monthly rents for reasons of selfish ‘entitlement’.

It’s a racket in any case and in worse case a Frankensteinian abomination that happens in politics sometimes aligned with economics, racism, the medical cult, media, even religion, or a ponzi scheme, etc. Abuse for control or profit happens in all kinds of mandates for control through fears and mind manipulation. In a sense, the perpetrator is a stalker of your obstructed freedoms from knowing the truth and being free. Evil sometimes slithers in looking like anything that’s good and safe and, sadly, often works. Are even doctors ‘indoctrinated’ by Big Pharma as well as their other overlords.

These ‘non do gooders’ are quacks, and in street talk,‘Shit disturbers’. These deceivers real danger is that they often believe their own lies. To go against their belief is very uncomfortable to them. Think of it as a ‘religious cult’ whose thinking goes very deep and they accept everything that profers their belief. If you are in the invisible cult and you begin to question too loudly, you will likely be ostracizes by those who don’t realize that they have become ‘stupidized and idiotize into dishonesty and harm to themselves and others. The con if accepted, can also cause the victim to unknowingly pass it on to others.

The methods in this hi-tech world to hornswoggle most of the populace, who as of yet, are still living in the simpler past, are infinite. Money and greed are friends for all but the few who value the spiritual life of loving themselves and others. Being awake and discerning is key.

Let every situation that appears ‘too good to be true’ become a time for a mental negotiation with reality to rise above the negative. If you have a feeling you’re being hoodwinked, always have contingency plans to avoid it in case your intuition is right. Life is a ‘jewel’, keep it safe and enjoy your blessings. Arhata~

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Father in the Sky

Father in the Sky 🌈

July 11, 2021

Did he come from the Milkman? They did have stories about them when they were a part of American society. Anyway, part of one’s spiritual/conscious awareness is to let go of programming that, well is a block. One large one is how man has ruled most every aspect of the world for good and often for ‘no good’.

Recently we have been inundated with the fact that just regarding humans as male or female is an over simplification, and that there is a lot ‘in between’ such as people being both. One of the names used for that ‘element’ of human is the LGBT person (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transexual)…perhaps there will be more by the time you read this? In many ways, it’s a good thing. This duality world where everything is black or white, male or female, good or bad needs a whole new ‘reboot’ to a ‘non duality’ world with many possibilities existing.

From the beginning of humanity, males, and male energy have always dominated for good, bad, and every thing imaginable. Who created a God in the sky? Named him our ‘father in the sky’? Who created all the religion scriptures of holy books? Man, man, man everywhere’ man’. Females being more necessary than men has been seriously considered, and yet they inherit the volatile ‘Mother Earth’ while males get the skies and entrance to Heaven (St. Peter guards the gates).

Even on a more mundane level we have the ‘mail man’ – why is that? Double your pleasure? Now we have ‘emails’ too! The female gets ‘fema’ camps’ (using fe and ma!). It’s time to look beyond all the good males have done, but also see the violence, destruction and murder that is 95% male. More and more males are not needed for we have ‘sperm banks’ readily available. The world, as well as the individual, needs a softer more spiritual energy to lift the clouds of darkness that float over all too much in lives needing more nurturing and bliss for a taste of ‘Heaven on Earth’. Just maybe this ‘Heaven’ is not guarded by St. Peter (what a phallic name!) but by a ‘Helen as a Gate to Paradise’, or in the truth of ‘non duality’ the real experience is without words of material imagination.

Love, and its deep wordless meaning is a portal to something we call God. Maybe we can only find the answer to that by finding the deep love within, and maybe it’s not even a ‘maybe’? Let go, and bliss comes for you and also consequently to bless all others.

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Kybosh on Apathy

Kybosh on Apathy

July 8, 2021
The ‘Age of the Bonehead’ is upon us. And, it you think it’s directed at you personally, then you are one of the boneheads, or just maybe you are anyway, but the ego wants to stay away from admitting that. Being too busy to pay attention to inner and social evolvement has metastasized throughout the populace in favor of the flaccid idleness of serfdom. I’ve heard it said that turkeys are so dumb that when it rains and their mouth is open they may drown. An example of not paying attention and being informed to not take in too much rain!

Apathetic-ism is a form of ‘mind roadkill’. This is an example for millions who followed these victims in the past year or so. People were commanded by their ‘betters’ to wear a mask inside, and outside. They were then told not to wear one, then to wear one, then to wear two, and people did. The controllers told them to get the vaccine because it would protect them, that the shots would make them free again, and they took the shots, but then immediately afterwards the elite told them that while they were now immune, they still had to wear a mask because…Well, science or something? It was never quite clear. Yet the sheeple eagerly did so. They got bait and switched, and the sheep were satisfied with the switch part.

In spiritual language the Indian ‘gurus’ do similarly to followers sometimes, what is called ‘shearing the sheep’. In their own way, the elite want to shear the sheep of self-respect, and the sheeple line up not that most are not wonderful people, but easily convinced by authority like people. They are told that they must accept personal responsibility for the slaves they never owned, and that they must therefore be accountable to people who were never slaves. And they obey, joyfully competing to most completely abase themselves, shedding their history and their dignity, and trading it away for the chance to be further disrespected and disenfranchised for the sin of having their great-grandfather come from the wrong continent.

Life on the planet now is one of ‘gaslighting’ technology and artificial intelligence (Ai) necessitating all humanity to re-examine their habits, demeanors, and skills at coming on board to the new reality so as not to be a ‘clog in the wheel’s inner and outer development to enter a superconscious world as a growing superconscious being. Question everything of the old, as well as ‘major media’ hoopla, and what the agenda is. It’s safe to bet that you are not a beneficiary, unless well informed and in action!

Note: Acedia is the 8th Deadly Sin – apathy or sloth

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Tolerate Life

Tolerate Life 🆘
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June 28, 2021
The most tolerant is God. Millions are not ‘tolerant’ of God, or what other’s viewpoints of a god are. To ‘tolerate’ is ‘to put up with’ or not be ‘intolerant’, and to accept whatever you have little apparent choice over. When ‘impatience’ rears its head, it’s time to seek patience with a positive tolerance. Tolerating one’s attitude is always a good start. It’s common to not ask yourself if even if you create reasons for others to have to tolerate you – is life having to?

It’s always ‘show time’ – are you putting on your best and doing the best to deal with all things requiring ‘a review’ of your attitude. Is it the best available? If you’re just tolerating your thoughts and feelings about yourself, step up and detach from them so they are ‘there’ but not controlling your life of having to tolerate them. Remember, not everything can be changed by the mind, somethings need a strong heart opening. Oxygen deprivation in the mind and heart can happen if you’re not letting go of what ails you from the past. Techniques of breathing will minimize and disconnect that which you have had to tolerate within you every day.

Park your ‘negative, repressed tolerance’ in a space where awareness and discernment of best positive options lie. Let go of the ego! Get the ego out of the way or it’s the same old thing – you versus me, yours versus mine, etc., – intolerance. Tolerance is based on going beyond the superficial things that divide us. It’s the result of turning within and coming to know the Self. If I can deal with my own ego, then my own anger can be resolved. With intent to rise above moments of intolerance you will develop a spiritual tolerance that cultivates an inner wisdom. Turn within and see the patience that can win over impatience. Resistance to ‘inner development’ is the norm for most. You’re not most!

If I am unselfish and honest in my heart, and am concerned about others’ needs, then I will be full enough to give. ‘I should be understood’ changes to – ‘I should understand.’ Not ‘They should change’ but ‘I will give what’s needed’!

The key factor to performing well in life and in every arena is the ability to control the quality and quantity of your “internal dialogue”, and that goes on between the ears while filling and unlocking the unused heart. Live in peace within, and not in disconnected pieces. Seek to be in love and not just tolerate up and down feelings within? Love yourself as much as possible and you will love another likewise. Real love is endless. ‘’We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one’’. – Confucius

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Smarter than You

Smarter Than You! 😜
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The world ‘shakes and teeters on the verge of destruction’, while its inhabitants, from top to bottom quibble over who’s right and wrong, ignoring that more love decides that there is much beyond. We are all blessed and picked to be here at this extraordinary moment in time to rise and shine above the waves of obstruction that thwart our journey to a more promised land that is here now. Those loved ones who’ve passed to the other side are watching, hoping that their efforts to make this opportunity to fly above the ages of sorrows is a clear path to a new superconscious planet.

The lids on truth are smothering our ‘blackmailed’ leaders into nothing but helpless followers.

The sun can’t shine when our portals of hope and social advancement are addled in darkness and deception. It’s time to shut off the distractions from truths and see that we are the apathetic sleepwalkers who have kept the shades of truth closed to create the stumbling and pains for the gains of the individual and collective over and over again.

The ‘birth of a new dawn’ is within each who steps into the light of the opportunities that are now before each of us. We are each limited in more ways than not to be the answers to the journey into a better world, and yet each of us is unlimited in someway to have the gifts to open windows of light. We all have the debilitating darkness and ignorance within but together, seeing and accepting each’s gift of contributions, we rise in unison to be the ‘second coming’ of life that creates a heaven on earth like never before. We all know little, yet each of us knows more than most in individual endeavors.

Tomorrow is here now. The past is now to accept and rise beyond with the positives, and let go of the negatives. The future is here and now. The chains of mediocrity are unlocked for freedom to choose how best to use the opportunities to rise to the occasion. Throw out the old, and make room for the new. Change of the ‘chains of habits that we all lug like a ball and chain’ can drift away and open the answers to a new way. We are all smarter than we think as long as we know that everyone else is too. The ‘hit of the moment’ is ‘you’ seeing the truths within.

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Days of Wine & Drugs

June 30, 2021

These are the days of censorship, political incorrectness, and ‘words that trigger’ unnecessary reactions & judgments. Maybe those were always here, but covered up and now exposed due to technological innovations. Because of this, these are the times of forgotten ‘Days of Wine & Roses’ by Henri Mancini from a more innocent time of the early ’60’s. That being said, I’ve come up with my own list of ‘trigger names or words’ that need to have a ‘let go’ of attachment to negative reactions enabling a more spiritual time to begin: My sometimes shocking censored (?) selection:

RACIST; RACISM; bonehead; numbskull; idiot; knucklehead; moron; meathead; jerk; turkey; imbecile; loser; nutcase; screwball; joker; shit head; fuck head; fuck face; killer; bubble brain; hayseed; schmiel; do do; redneck; pothead; nitpicker; cornball; dope; asshole; bastard; cock sucker; birdbrain; moose breath; couch potato; schmuck; sheeple; brat; bimbo; lowlife; fucker; scum; scumbag; space head/cadet; air heard; skitso; simpleton; batty; glutton; man eater; robot; candy ass; twitter brain; nerd; geek; psychic vampire; dipsy doodle; tweaker; psycho; battle ax; scatter brain; dingle berry; creep; scoundrel; tripper; stray dog; pig/piggy/piglet; ugly; numb nuts; melon head; hair brain; bitch; egg head; son of a bitch; cunt; prick; bible thumper; noodle brain; meth head; goofball; nincompoop; cracker; pea brain; nigger; yo yo; wacky/whack job; basket case; hooker; bozo; lunkhead; porch monkey; jungle bunny; simpleton; fag; hypo; low life; bottom feeder; lunatic: dweeb; du-fuss; dork; Mamby pamby; ding-a-ling; sourpuss; goober head; jackass; cockroach; loggerhead; mealy mouth; fart head; sweat hog; beetle brain; drama queen; wind bag; douche bag; ditsy; dimwit; blood fart …

So many more… No word should control your ego negatively, nor should anyone have to walk on eggshells wondering what can be said or not. There are hundreds of languages and dialects with an equal amount of words that have been ‘control words’. Life is best knowing how to live in the ‘wordless heart’. Always remember, ‘words are just sounds’ and someone speaking another language only hears what amounts to a non decipherable ‘sound. Judgments are really against yourself.

In being ‘more spiritual’, clutter in the mind, even if trauma memories, is not the highest spirit of you. In unlimited past lives, likely most everyone has experienced traumas that they even clung to throughout life, that could have been healed through the use of the mind and heart techniques that are more available now than ever before. You are in charge of the inner you that is no less than your best friend and perhaps more. Always, seek to let go, sometimes it’s instant and sometimes things have a reason to take longer. You are a miracle, and on a ‘clear day, you can see forever’. Let the mind be that consistent ‘clear day’ and be the ‘days of wine and roses’!

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International Firewall

Informational Firewall ⚒️️
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June 20, 2021
Do you have an invisible barrier to hide behind from who you really are, and cloaked in denial because of fear of rejection. Perhaps it could just be just an unconscious protectiveness from what ‘broken’ or damaged things are within. The ‘firewall person’ usually doesn’t have a ‘firewall or tongue tourniquet’ about outer things that they are knowledgeable about including ‘outer experiences’. However your inner experiences need not be put in a closet to be forgotten, or even more to be avoided and denied.

Many often, to avoid exposing their true nature and feelings, put up barriers that amount to evading exposure of their life’s resume. In a way, it becomes like a ‘prolonged adolescence’. Life need not become a slow quicksand where you age into immobility. The body ages, although less than it does for many, if your attitude is to live with what inspires growth within as well as without. Each is ageless, but susceptible to imaginary control self evaluation that stimulates either growth or only deterioration. Critical ‘self thinking’ for the best choices of the many before you is a ‘best choice’ for inner growth to a more positive, useful, and joyful life.

Do you worry about the unknown, uncertain and unpredictable future? Stop worrying about it, and start trusting life a little bit more.Trust that everything that happens, happens for your growth and is an opportunity to find something that will enhance your life. Trust that life knows your potential and it will nurture you. Help it along by seeing and knowing that. Trust that life works for you and with you, no matter how things work out. Trust your future and this may help you to make the most of life as it happens.

Like a car stuck in the sand or snow, the car gets unstuck because of intent, examination of how to right the wrong, and motion (emotion) to move on. We are all running out of time. Why run in place with no direction? Everything will be alright if you wake up and start moving into the way of the light. Wake up and don’t be a milquetoast and slip into an eternal sleep.

The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others. The moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a ‘sheeple’, you become a lion and a great roar arises in your heart and that is the roar of freedom. Arhata~
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Two Ears One Mouth

June 21, 2021
The reason for two ears and one mouth is to ‘listen’ more than talking! Joining a big Corporation in NYC out of college, one thing stressed in our sales meetings were, ‘shut up and listen! Another good complimentary advise with that was the acronym, ‘KISS – keep it simple, stupid’. Talking too much (a tsunami of the lips) for the listener to care or pay attention to is being too self absorbed and insensitive to the hopeful listener.
Talking over people is akin to quickly going thru a red light rather than
stopping as a courtesy and respect for others. I recall one friend who was so non stop talking, that I could put the phone down and come back minutes later, and he would still be talking. Of course, that sounds impolite too, but over time I’d asked him to tune in to the art of two way communication which involves empathy for the others feelings.

Why be attached to your bad habits, or the fear of getting others opinion about them, especially those who you value as having common sense, and having a constructive criticism. Worse yet perhaps is to ignore a habit that annoys others rationalizing because no one says anything (out of politeness or fear of your reaction) that is symptomatic of selfishness. Continued non correction of unthoughtful outer behavior is a reflection of an inner

reaction to unresolved issues. It’s a given natural to want freedom, yet we put ourselves often in the shackles of our own rigidness to positive change.

Listen to the heart speak its volumes while seeking its

unison with the receiver. Words are overrated and the volume of hearing automatically goes down with lack of or feigned interest. Certainly

there is a time for words, but best when in synchronicity with conscious openness and sensitivity. Words in print allow for keeping in precise tune with no overtaking.

Sometime the ‘sounds of silence’ can open a new world of communication that
mysteriously foments a deeper understanding and friendship. Words can clutter the

mind such that many are in a ‘word jail’ or life with them shackled in prison. Intellect is of the mind, and it’s good to have the ‘intelligence’ to know when to let it go and enjoy the nature of just being in a healthy, calm, smiling way. You are ‘saved’ when in harmony with all! A smile is wordless!

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WTF is Meditation? 🙏

WTF is Meditation? 🙏
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June 13, 2021
Is it vitamins for the heart and mind? An inner vacuum cleaner? A reboot technique? A technique to soften and/or un-attach from personal traumas? Creating a mind/heart set to reexamine situations in your life for lessons and/or opportunities? A method to heal whatever ails you or at least make it more manageable? A gift from the Eastern guru’s? A focus and development into an art of deepening our love of self and ability to love another more?

Why was this technique practically unheard of in the western world until it silently and gradually slipped in during the 60’s and 70’s with it’s Yoga and meditating techniques as well as it’s popularity of the music group, the Beatles and guru’s or Masters of the ‘spiritual’ from India like Yogananda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Vivekananda, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (aka Osho), and the first popular American, guru Ram Das (Richard Alpert), etc.

Meditation (meditating is the act and art of non doing and ‘letting go’). It’s a process of getting to know yourself deeply and completely, both who you are inside and how you react to what is outside. Meditating is, in its many different techniques, a helper for you to enjoy yourself beyond the stresses and troubled moments to see that they are merely superficial. You will experience that your true nature, and the real you is actually very positive. You are really in the true sense a miracle of nature born to see and experience that.

The essence of meditation is just witnessing the body, mind and feelings without judgment. Modern humans, of eastern or western origin has changed so much that new methods are needed. Hence, many ancient methods of meditating are available that counter sitting and ‘just contemplating one’s belly button. Many methods besides forms of breathing and being still embody Yogic techniques and many pre meditative techniques that involve sounds, movements, aerobic exercises, etc. Infinite forms of meditating can be tailored to the individuals wants and needs.

Meditation is a very simple phenomenon. Meditation is not to do something, but to just be and not doing anything while being at your center. It’s a knack of un-disturbance, and being with the flow. Utter silence is its empowerment for more joy, clarity, vision, and creativity. To be the watcher and not the doer. Watchfulness and awareness, unclouded and not disturbed. A main thing to know is that meditation should be a fun thing to look forward too. It’s not often thought of, but coupling in deep love is perhaps the greatest meditation opportunity. Be the wordless watcher and experience who you really are.

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Islam Best Religion

Islam Best Religion

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June 10, 2021

There is ‘no comfort in the truth’, and this is one! The last major religion to survive, I believe will be the last of the Abrahamic religions consisting of Judaism, Christianity, and lastly, ‘Islam’. Others may say Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, etc. Actually, it doesn’t matter. There is a new religion already here in its infant stages hidden in plain site. People are ready for it, but they just aren’t of the mindset to move away from the churches, temples, and mosques that are run by well meaning administers who bring the words of god by whatever name to billions of people.

It’s not wise to suddenly take people out of the rural country of say 100 years ago and suddenly put them into a bustling modern city of different rules, regulations and expectations. Life is and will always have mysteries hidden from all eyes. Why are we here, what’s it about, where are we going after death? Why is there such trauma? On and on.

All religions are man made (no women) for the people of the times who needed allegories, parables, and archetypes to have moral guidance, optimism, hope, promise of an afterlife, etc. Also, they were/are control devices of the people (major). Still most are of the mindset of people hundreds, thousands of years ago, and they still have a purpose now. There are of course many truths in all religions, but many falsities and bullshit also. As one evolves and sees another way of seeing the same thing with more clarity, religions will slowly disappear and holy books will become museum pieces. Not time to throw the baby out with the water! There is beauty in all religions but mixed with a lot of statements that need better usage of words, ie., King David was a Muslim is a perception that is ‘feel good’ for Muslims while not so for normal evolved Jews.

The good news is no one ‘has to’ change their belief in their God or holy man. Beliefs have meaning and will continue. It’s good to know though that all beliefs come with doubt by definition. One should have strong ‘faith’ in their beliefs, without that beliefs are weak. One can be blinded by religions if there is no questioning. Love or religion best experienced is from a clear heart and open mind. The scriptures are in the loving heart.

Most carry the burdens of unresolved issues which inevitably, like a changing weather day of sun, clouds, and showers, need belief that there will be days of comfortable sun. There may be a rainbow of hope, but a clear sky within the heart and mind lets the sun of love and the ‘Sun of God’ shine in. A mind and heart of meditation knows that regardless of systems of belief, there can be a godliness and a savior in the heart regardless of how the holy books describe them. Positive Prayer and Meditation are roads to knowing the new religiousness.

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