
Flickering Love 🤷

Flickering Love 🤷
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May 23, 2021
Love can be a booby trap! Love is not the same for everyone. Give the most sensitive amount of fertilizer to plants, including sun, temperature, and water vs the same plants getting not enough of it, and the experience in growth will produce different results. A ‘flicker’ of truth, love or whatever is never going to produce the same results as that representing common sense, and heartfelt sensitivity.

Love is ‘organic’ when it doesn’t have negative energies in it. Most relationships are the ‘supermarket kind’ with a lot of non essential additives that remain inside the love. Rare are two people that come together with unrelenting, consistent deep love which I call ‘organic love’. Love with unresolved ingredients is what is called in the fruit and vegetable world non organic, and likely sprayed with pesticides (like the infamous Roundup). Fake love and love that’s off and on, especially for ‘show’ to others, inevitably results in poor love health that likely is always repaired with bandaid methods. A complete overhaul of getting rid of blocks that poison love by making it undependable is a gift to the self.

Incomplete love flickers between being on and off. The taste is not always right, and when in a relationship, each partner has their own ‘flicker on and off timeline’ making it difficult to see the light of harmony together. Life has a lot available to choose. Wrong choices and there is a lot to lose, especially to both in love through life’s challenges. Sometimes in a ‘flicker love’, when not choosing to evolve, there are power shortages accompanied by violent storms of energy. Hopefully the lights of love come back on, but it’s a warning that things need to be fixed. Always it begins with yourself first, but of course the other must also be fixed with an open non flickering heart.

In harmony with your inner self and, love ‘lights brighter’. In a couple, there is great strength when in sync, rather than both having flickering, struggling moments of disconnection. Sentenced to a yo-yo partnership really is ‘karma’ for being that way yourself. Being alone and not entangled in a prison like relationship is a great opportunity to seek and use the many techniques to raise your energy which is a natural way to avoid being chained to what you would avoid if your mental and heart system were working on all cylinders. Love is both dangerous, and yet in its higher expression an entry into a special freedom of joy and bliss. Deep love is enlightenment! Most everyone can have it. Take quiet times to close your eyes and watch the breath, letting whatever comes up just be. One day, it fades away and love shines through. Life gives rewards as you give to it.


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