Be Hyperbolic!!! 👆
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March 2, 2021
WE are all spiritual beings with the opportunity to get free of what traps our inner growth, and on a journey back to our spatial world when leaving this body behind. There are no more runs at life when you escape this one to come back as the ‘outer’ you were. The ultimate divorce from this particular journey is set in stone. You will have become either an angel, a suffering soul, or a mindless other ‘soul drifter’ looking to repeat what you didn’t wake up to.
To be ‘hyperbolic’ is to be exuberant about life in the moment right now. Just as the unborn are influenced by the mother and her environment in becoming who they likely become during childhood, and most frequently continue on as an adult, but there’s hope.
Each day we all need to recharge our spiritual battery, otherwise the light of our consciousness becomes dim, thoughts become fuzzy, and decisions are impregnated with doubt. Power is available inside and outside. Inside us we have a spiritual centre, at the core of our consciousness, pure radiant spiritual light. This is what we are. However it is now blocked by our attachments, the record of all our life experiences and many learned beliefs and erroneous perceptions. Outside us we have the sun of spirit, the source, invisible to our physical eyes but only one second away when we are able to quieten and focus our mind.
Meditation connects us to both sources of power – that’s why meditation is the way to access the real vitamins and the minerals that spirit craves. The vitamin of pure love and the minerals
of truth and wisdom. Take time to empower (gaslight?) yourself today. Sit quietly and connect your mind to each source and allow yourself to recharge and renew.
Be surreptitious or a bit secretive in seeking the peace within for it is a private journey to the unknown hidden within you. Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique and incomparable. You are you, I am I! Waste no more time on the outer while ignoring the diamonds within. See the blessings you have been given and be ‘hyperbolic’ about living life in your higher consciousness. You are a miracle! See it and be it!