
Plateaued Love

Plateaued Love
April 14, 2022
Dumpster diving for yesterdays left overs of love is fruitless.
Chances are, you are going to unknowingly try that on rare
occasion. In other words, all but that hidden spark is gone or plateaued to a level that is comfortable uncomfortable. The days grow weary and slip by into months and years of destitute love, meaning just existing day to day. Looking for love in all the wrong places, even if you remember to do that, is like looking for a black cat, in a dark house, when you’re blind and deaf…and there is no cat!
Mea culpa, or it’s always time to look at ‘your’ fault in whatever happens to see the real truth. Luck might have it that, it’s really the other’s fault, but the human mind rarely can accept that
information without a reaction rather than having a conversation that either accepts that and has a question about it.
You are god’s trial and experiment in the best world right ‘here and now’ that ever was for ‘you to see the trail to shine’… at least the phone call I got this morning said so … It may not have been god, but what the heck, let’s make believe so that it becomes a motivation for now and the future. The secret of love is like the secret of gold buried just under your feet while you’re ‘sky gazing’, and miss it. ‘It’s in you’, and the good news is, you don’t need to find it in anyone else! If you do though, although not needed, that’s a ‘wow’ and god’s bonus!
Hmmm … now, that spark within you? Everyone has it,
and you do too from before birth! All you have to do is lose what negativity you
persist in hanging out with everyday, and let go of it! Let go of the chattering mind that ignores the feelings of joy in the heart. All are born into this world at this time to unravel the challenges put before us, and through the ‘breath of life’ come up for the ‘air of love’ that is in yours and every heart. You are no less than anyone from the present or the long ago past to see that you are a chosen one. Accept it and move into the light of more consciousness. Everything is ‘timing’ and that means you in tune with the universal energy of light, bliss, and joy. Love is forever, the mind is just a temporary helper. Choose the balance and know that love is in the air! Just breath it and it shall be with you. Come to the higher ‘love plateau’!

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Whoreable Scam

Whorable Scam 😮
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July 15, 2021

Recently I learned, I had met a 19 year old girl a few years ago who had stayed at my Venice Beach ‘Yesss Meditation Center’. Since her happenstance locating me, and our recent reconnecting, many ensuing phone conversations have happened after 20 some years. This girl, now a successful Vancouver BC political analyst of 43, has recently confided in me, that as a naive girl on her first backpacking trip, which happened in Mexico, she was traumatically ‘scammed’ a couple of times. She, shortly after, showed up at my center. Apparently, regardless of my having forgotten, I had unknowingly helped her heal a bit from her then recent debacle. Part of her reason for diligently locating me was to thank me.

Like my ‘long forgotten friend’, few escape the unknown and/or unexpected experience of being ‘tricked’ into believing someone’s self serving agenda to exploit their gullibility to participate in something that is nothing but a method to selfishly benefit them. On a personal basis it can happen in a ‘love relationship’, or differently, as it did to me a couple of years ago, in a tenant refusing to payment monthly rents for reasons of selfish ‘entitlement’.

It’s a racket in any case and in worse case a Frankensteinian abomination that happens in politics sometimes aligned with economics, racism, the medical cult, media, even religion, or a ponzi scheme, etc. Abuse for control or profit happens in all kinds of mandates for control through fears and mind manipulation. In a sense, the perpetrator is a stalker of your obstructed freedoms from knowing the truth and being free. Evil sometimes slithers in looking like anything that’s good and safe and, sadly, often works. Are even doctors ‘indoctrinated’ by Big Pharma as well as their other overlords.

These ‘non do gooders’ are quacks, and in street talk,‘Shit disturbers’. These deceivers real danger is that they often believe their own lies. To go against their belief is very uncomfortable to them. Think of it as a ‘religious cult’ whose thinking goes very deep and they accept everything that profers their belief. If you are in the invisible cult and you begin to question too loudly, you will likely be ostracizes by those who don’t realize that they have become ‘stupidized and idiotize into dishonesty and harm to themselves and others. The con if accepted, can also cause the victim to unknowingly pass it on to others.

The methods in this hi-tech world to hornswoggle most of the populace, who as of yet, are still living in the simpler past, are infinite. Money and greed are friends for all but the few who value the spiritual life of loving themselves and others. Being awake and discerning is key.

Let every situation that appears ‘too good to be true’ become a time for a mental negotiation with reality to rise above the negative. If you have a feeling you’re being hoodwinked, always have contingency plans to avoid it in case your intuition is right. Life is a ‘jewel’, keep it safe and enjoy your blessings. Arhata~

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Stop! … Be Positive

S T O P…Be Positive! 🌷
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February 1, 2021

Stop before you say it or do it, as the perception of the one receiving might just have difficulty handling the traffic of your words or deeds. Right or wrong may not matter if the message is perceived as you running their ‘red light’. WE have, at this time in immediate history become burned by a tsunami of word hatred sometimes even words that are otherwise by the use of one letter replacing another becomes capable of eliciting reaction or agreement. It’s not just our personal interaction, but society at large needs all of our coming to the same page of ‘stopping’ and realizing that we need to step up to a new world, and be examples for ourselves and others, especially the younger.

Technological acumen to control and dumb down the populace is moving ahead at breakneck speed while the growth of the human condition is parked somewhere in the middle decades of the last century. It’s sadly a perfect time for the ‘dark side’ to do what it wants to further control the world.

It takes simple logic to see that massive destruction and unnecessary loss of life, or on a personal level a sense of loss of being, will continue to escalate. It’s a good thing for those in control and all the nice sheeple deserve it for not paying attention. Today even most of the Christian population is asleep at the wheel and not following the wisdoms in their religion. I say that as a non Christian. Knowledge to evolve inwardly and for society is free, yet most would rather spend money and sell their souls to the material life thinking that the secrets to life are but unreachable fairy tales. Christianity has become like a swamp or a desert with any oasis seen without thankfulness beyond use and abuse. The slaughter of the lambs is their punishment for apathy and denial.

The clock of life needs a ‘reset’ to accommodate and adapt to the spiraling technology that is happening to improve our lives, but increasingly is being used by those who don’t care enough but for their benefits. Life doesn’t exist for you, but you are here to make the best of it and give back for the blessings that you were given in this life at the most interesting time since the planet’s formation. There are no wrong turns, for wherever we travel we can learn and teach, give and receive. Always enjoy yourself, yet give to others from your heart.

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Trap of ‘NO-No’

Trap of ‘NO-NO’ 👀
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December 3, 2020
Change is the only permanent thing in life, and that’s not the change in your pocket. A habit, primarily a bad one, becomes deeper and deeper and a ‘tattoo’ on the false you. Change for the better is always an option. The society, especially at this virus time, is masking the ‘yes smile’ that we use to see even passing by a stranger on the sidewalk. Apart from that, it’s good to ask yourself if you are a ‘no-no person’ with more often a negative attitude than positive? It’s easier to say ‘no’ than yes. I especially learned that on Wall St. when looking for business.

A few months ago, there was a man being restrained by police who said he couldn’t breath. The non secret to life is ‘breath’. We can survive without seeing, hearing, speaking, etc., but not without the ‘breath of life’! All that moves needs to breath. Not just to breath but to breath fresh air for protecting health and the immune system. Everyone needs it, and from nature. At least an hour a day of healthy ‘nature’ breathing outside is better than an ‘apple a day’ while never breathing fresh air.

There is a song at this time of year, ‘All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth’ by the legendary memorable singer, Nat King Cole. Well, there are a lot of inner values even more important. Without breath, nothing is important. Today with the virus and ‘misinformation’ distributed my the media, the majority are in ‘lockdown’ from breathing fresh air, but opting for unneeded masks to block fresh air. No credible, objective so called expert would agree it’s necessary, especially walking alone in the fresh air.

The world of individuals needs much more love, and there seems to be a shortage in minds and hearts of how to get more. Being more informed on ‘goings on’ in the country with integrity is a good use of breath. Breath is best with freedom. Masking freedoms without deep understanding and research of ‘why’ is to put the ‘breath’ in fear, anxiety and needless ‘worry control’ from the ‘media with an agenda for personal ‘benefits’ while not being in the highest integrity.

Love is in the Air. What’s rarely said is that the ‘air is love’. That’s why ‘fresh air is important’ not to mention the art of breathing, which is called meditation to be in sync with your higher and spiritual self. We must never forget though that the body is the temple of that spirit of breath. Time to say ‘yes-yes’ more and kNOw it’s best!

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