Oct. 29, 2021
…Jack, make a new plan Fran, you don’t need to be coy, Joy. We don’t need to discuss much.
Problem is all is all in your mind and you listening to the wrong voices in your head. See the light and forget the fight. Falling in love with the one who’s going to break your heart is listening to the heart too much ignoring commons sense. Nothing is what it seems. Instead listen to your heart and awareness with discernment before it’s too late. There are silent voices that want to be felt and heard that could be calling for you, and they just may be cloaked in common sense.
Everybody hurts sometimes with the memories you’ve been through. Somehow, sometime you have to let go of the hurtful attachments and know that the sun shines bright somewhere that will help you let go. We’ll always have loves memories, and they will bring back the love that was at it’s best. Feeling good and even better is seeing the sunshine that’s always there and ready to give the shadow of your memories, and a new light on the way of today and tomorrow. Knowing love will always be there, and can be built upon especially from your decision to find the enlightenment within.
Always, you are a one person show even without the deep connection with another one with that ‘same show’. Always deepen your self-awareness, and with kindred spirits. By changing yourself, you contribute to changing the world and to see who you really are. The further we drifts from truth the more another will hate you for speaking it.
The imbalanced, shadow side of acceptance is passivity, laziness, and avoidance. It is not mindful growth. If we see a window of opportunity and fail to jump through it, no one benefits. Real change is at the heart of what it means to be human. With each change we learn and we recreate ourselves. We are able to see in a way that was not previously possible. We can act and achieve in a way that we could not before. With each change the world is different, our relationships are transformed.
Life is a mirror of your choices, be they of perception that is the accumulation of your experiences and how we consciously or unconsciously made the part of the you that you and others see from their experiences of perception. To be free and freer, let go of the false me that has the accumulated impediments of yesteryear. Slip out of the past, and plan for the unseen miracle of the moment that will light the moments ahead. Make every move you make be with a smile.