
Free Speech Prison

My friend Maggie who tells the truth 

September 11, 2023

Shutting down communication is not an art, but a sign of selfishness. Free speech is an ‘art’ with many aspects. One important one is not ‘initiating’ personal insults, as well as seeing that you have! Initiating personal negativity is a mirror for a very possible reaction from the other. That reaction is ‘karmic’, but learning the ‘art’ is to either ignore the initiated disrespectful ‘verbal sucker punch’, or use of skillful means to turn it into a smooth dialog. This ‘disrespect’ happens with some people ‘online’, and wouldn’t otherwise. A sense of humor is always a gift in many situations.

Freedom of Speech is a trick in our courts especially where you have to swear to tell the truth and only the whole truth, yet you are not allowed to say some ‘vital’ truths, however you are also told not to lie. Lying is freedom of speech. It’s common for a judge to NOT allow ‘freedom of speech’ and they have the power to make any decision, true or essentially wrong (a lie) and the ‘victim’ is largely controlled to be silent or take it up another day, and perhaps at a great expense. Freedom of speech in our courts (or military, etc) is allowed only if it fits with the ‘rules and narrative of the controller’, in other words ‘what makes the distinction’?  

 ‘’Do you swear that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God?’’ Since there is the accused and the ‘accuser’ who both swear to tell the truth, one must be lying or why a court case if both are telling the truth? This manipulation of ‘freedom of speech’ is called a ‘kangaroo court’ where the decision is often already decided. 

Going into our ‘courts of law’, freedom of speech is controlled by the judge more often than not. You are required to take an ‘oath’ to tell the truth, but frequently that freedom is squashed. So in a way the judge lies by not following the oath themselves while you are controlled to not tell all of the truth.

Communication is the bedrock of ‘free speech’. Communication is not controlling ‘free speech’, but whether in court or in person, few don’t block the freedom to say what they want without ‘rancor arising’ to not allow opinions and ideas. Fear of saying what you want to is a censorship of free speech and communication. In harmonious, positive moments, the freedom of expression flows like a river with no ‘dams’ or censorship to divert or block the energy of communication. Be in love with truth, common sense and skillful means to convey messages, and remember to be light hearted! 

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