They just need reasons and targets to justify their hatred. Picture a society like the teenage girl in Beetlejuice that stays that way as adults… never grows up… happy hating. Trapped. Constantly blaming others for their own failures. How many adults are trapped in their hatreds like that? ‘Politricks’ organizations figured out how to tap that need, want, desire to hate. They provided the reasons and targets. Critical Race Theory. Jan 6. Russia hoax. WOKE. Hate Biden. Hate Trump. Hate FOX. Hate conservatives. Hate Christianity. Hate diversity of thought! (my achilles heel)
Hatred is addictive. A drug. Based on envy, coveting. The more that you hate, the more that you need to hate, the more that can justify even more hatred. It’s like the ‘domino theory’. So ‘these mind sets’ organized hate teams, envy teams. BLM. Antifa. Climate activists. Feminists. Transgenders. Secularists. Abortion protectors. Socialists. Cancel culture. LBGTQ. SEIU. NEA. The UN. All of them designed to covet something, to hate someone.
Hatred is a great motivator that is stifling America. It taints vision. Taints vision to the point that truth is stifled. Fake news is accepted. Cheating is justified. Lies are accepted. Election fraud is ignored. The glass is always half empty, never half full. And, “the end justifies the means” is the only rule that matters.
The very characteristics of America that made the USA the greatest country in history are discarded. Constitution. Capitalism. Christianity. Do you want to help make America great again? Well, a sure way to help make America great again is to stop rewarding hatred. Help Americans grow up into positive adults. Make people responsible for their own actions.
And then reward merit, merit, merit. Teach our children that if you want more, then produce more, produce what others want to buy from you, do what others are willing to pay you to do, and be some form of positive added value. Support our Constitution, Capitalism, and Christianity. Seek and speak ‘truth’ – it’s contagious! “Love” is thought of as a virtue, while “hate” is considered a vice. But not all forms of love are good and not all hates are bad. If you love to set buildings on fire, molest children, or steal, these are obviously bad loves. If you hate racism, sexism, or injustices of all sorts, then these are good hates. Stick with ‘good hate’ and ‘good love’!