November 9, 2022
Nothing is Free!? Actually, to get or have nothing might be about the only thing that’s free? Regardless, be thankful or wary of that which is free, especially your life. Life is best if you keep focus on being happy even in the hardest times when the rains and thunder come – be happy that you’re doing your best to cope. Death is not happy, but for those that die, and are released to a better life. Be happy for the memories, and for they who are released from a world of agony.
Be true for the very best in every move you make. Let yourself be happy. If you can’t do it for you, then do it for the world. Refusing to let yourself be happy is just keeping that much happiness out of the world. It’s making it a worse place to live. Be happy. Refusing to let yourself be loved just deprives the world of that much love. Refusing to let yourself be at peace just deprives the world of that much peace. Be happy. Not because you “deserve” it, or any of that empty narrative fluff, but because the world is a hard place, and any spark of happiness is sorely needed.
Take a journey into your soul. The journey is wherever your soul is in this world. The journey is ‘free’! You are not what or who you have come to think you are, that is merely the ‘cover’. Love gives you the right to be free! Use your ‘real eyes’ to ‘realise’ to see the ‘real lies’ that keep the love within locked up until you see that ‘letting go’ of all ‘attached to negative’ is key to let the love that hides within you come silently in like a cool breeze.
Praying for a lottery win but never buying a ticket is like wanting more love, but not paying attention that you must find it within first, or it will either elude you or you will fall in/from love and find out you will fall out as there is a trap door that’s either you, or the one you love in the same predicament, or both of you. Real love doesn’t need a lottery ticket to win, the ‘lottery ticket being someone else. You have already won by yourself as the ‘ticket’ of the other person, isn’t necessary.
Like being a good athlete, some are natural, some become even better at it, but it isn’t free as the intent to do what it takes may be necessary to rise above ‘the natural’. Alway be moving Into the light while shedding the dark that has come with your life to meet love that never goes out of the light of inner happiness. Your mind & heart are like a garden. It’s time to plant the truth and love in your in both, yet not forget to nurture them. Remember – Love is in the air, just breath deeper!