
Repair Broken Wings

Is it time to save the planet by terminating the existence of yourself and your extended family? Nothing in life is just a problem –everything is a possibility. It may be that the planet doesn’t need you as you are, if with no intent to rise in consciousness?

The world has been taken over by a satanic cult whose members are unimaginably wealthy and they use this wealth to corrupt and control all the governments, judiciaries and major institutions of the world so that they work to advance this cult’s agenda. Its agenda can be very simply stated – it is to own everything (that’s why you will own nothing and be happy) to exterminate the vast majority of the human population and to transform the survivors into trans-human cyborgs permanently hooked up to the “internet of bodies” who will serve as a slave class. To this end they intend to destroy the world economy and collapse civilization, and you have probably noticed that they have started to do this, and anyone nurturing the delusion that once Covid is overcome life will return to normal is in for a horrible shock. The dispossessed survivors of The Great Culling will be herded into tightly packed high-tech urban ghettoes where they will be monitored and controlled 24 / 7.

I support this. Reason being, the world is filled with the minds of neanderthal/post neanderthal thinking even though this is the best time in the Universe for ‘self evolving’. Barbarian living is no longer productive in a world that cries for a new superconscious being, (free of course from ‘artificial intelligence’ manipulation.) A garden filled with weeds is like a homeless encampment and needs to be weeded out for beauty to shine. One wonders if Ai is more the devil than god that will make most everyone into a robot?

One can feel a little bad about these weeds, but today they can turn themselves into flowers ‘FREE’, if they use common sense with intent to do so. Unfortunately some of these flowers that control the garden are poisonous, and need to be whacked out pronto. Loving, sweet smelling flowers should survive with the more pleasant weeds. It can be a ‘wonderful world’ for you and I with ‘cultivation’ of ‘weed minds’. Everyone is a star in the dark, but for the clouds that they harbor in their minds and hearts. Nature is a doctor, and ‘you are nature’s gift and caretaker’. Heal ourself, then assist to heal others. Tomorrow is too late, as tomorrow never comes, instead the repetition of complacency and shelving positive inner care toward everything as a possibility or opportunity for your growth waits for your alarm to sound to let go of yesteryears inner negative clinging habits. You are God’s choice to enjoy the magic of life and love.


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