Having trouble in the ‘ruble of your mind’? Only having a ‘near life experience’? Have you become indoctrinated with the lies of the world, and especially who you think you are? Most in America are supporting the new Nazi reborn from German Hitler’s time. The new Nazi is now the ‘Not-See’. To ‘not-see’ who we are behind all the accepted fake illusion of who they’ve played out as a construct of other’s opinions, misinterpreting and not seeing the good and/or bad as but opportunities to move up in consciousness. Life is more than a ‘teleprompter’ but a script to be written with enthusiasm to make up in a life of value.
Most of America today is helping ‘Not-See-ism’ to happen by not being informed and being active in supporting truth, instead supporting their ‘lazism’. Wake up time! The lights are on! Not a time to scatter like roaches when the lights come on. Be active in the ‘Truth Military’. This is ‘The Moment’!
Let’s fix any mind disorders. Up grade your purpose in life – be a ‘doer’ from a digger for the truth. We need to see beyond things that go wrong or as the highest of minds would see it. Time is a long, long time to be drowned in a negative illusion of who you are not. That ‘long long’ time ironically will become a ‘flicker’ of life stuck in the mire of someone you are not when you’re the one really for you to love. You have multiple dimensions. Pick the right one.
Descending into mind manipulation through the grooming of the media, politicians, and to some extent, leaders of religions is covert mind control. Let your heart overflow and drown the negative thoughts you have made part of the false you.
Don’t park your brain in a closet! Well, since I was a teen, I’ve been all for minimizing the number of men. Their value is obvious, but not as much as the harm they have done since the time of the mythical Eve and millenniums before this great archetype, Jesus was invented. Anyone with a brain can prove beyond the shadow of doubt that males need to be ‘culled’ because of the ‘bad blood’ that comes from them. I like ‘pit bulls’, but are they not collectively the most dangerous dog?
We’re running out of time the way the things seem to look. A significant portion of us males are sooner than later going to be assigned a ‘new dimension’. Word has been talked about for eons that most will come back from the ‘floating soul’ into an un-aborted womb and destined to begin whatever life values we left in. True or not, it’s not a bad idea to assume that, and maybe this is the Hell for some? Stop ‘grooming yourself for mediocrity, and who is less than the positive, aware, discerning person you really are! Smile and be excited to find out who’s hidden behind the curtain of the false you!