March 20, 2022
When watching a baseball game closely, you’ll see the hardly perceptible nod or blink exchange between the pitcher (sometimes the manager) and his catcher 90’ away to throw a particular pitch for a strike. Even in sports, there is always an agreement to play by the rules, and both or all agree to do so within those rules to win. We all like to be on the same preferred page as another, or in sync for a positive exchange of energy. To be in harmony for best outcomes always needs a nod of approval in alignment with the other.
Life is like a dream when you are with that rare someone who you are in perpetual harmony of agreeing to agree on everything even when it needs and asks for a greater elaboration. With genuine love, positive agreement just happens all the time! An example would be wedding vows. Wedding vows are exactly what they sound like: a solemn vow and agreement between two people on the day they become legally wed. Hopefully, they always find agreement.
Evolving people have a spoken or unspoken agreement to sensitize with the other from the heart. Often those who have difficulty in expressing from their heart attract those who also do likewise. Two hearts and minds as one is to be in compatibility and harmonious agreement. This is a time in life where people are very divided and removed from focusing on not only knowing themselves, but another. At least one must tune in from the heart to the other who hopefully is open and accepting for love to flourish no matter what, and with no expectation of acknowledgement even though it’s likely to come. Call it ‘gardening for the highest experience of love’. Be a ‘gardener of love’ to see the experience blossom.