
Evil or LIVE

September 16, 2021
Does evil know it’s evil? Does a hurricane know that it’s
destructive? Evil is unconscious about its turning the word and acts around to ‘live’. The essence of all ‘holy books’ is to live and love all in life but with awareness of that which will harm in the name of thinking it’s right. The damaged mind that dominates ones actions is the storm that the ‘conscious’ have to face and for downsizing the wrongs faced, must gather all the strengths of awareness and discernment to counter and nullify that which lacks to qualities of consciousness.

Mythicists scholars dig for the truth and lies in our holy books, yet most members of religion cults, are ill informed of the findings, but accept what’s written on belief, and belief needs faith. Of course the positive messages within ‘holy books’, apart from the ‘stories of people who never existed in a probability, are practical and of the heart.

You can’t start a fire without a spark. That spark in the affairs of the world could be called, ‘greed’. Greed is the spark for evil, and always be aware that ‘evil’ is usually cloaked in deception and a ‘take-take’ mentality. For example, it’s impossible to be a good billionaire, not just because it’s immoral to remain that wealthy in a world full of need and because all billionaires are parasitic middlemen siphoning the

profits off other people’s labor, but also because in order to obtain that much wealth you generally have to manipulate the actual movement of human civilization to your benefit in some way.

It’s hard to wrap your mind around, because it’s so much more profoundly evil than we’re ever taught to anticipate, but it really is an objective fact that people who make money manufacturing military weapons have a tremendous amount of influence over how and when those weapons are used. A war profiteer can pour money into campaign contributions which incentivize policymakers to push for acts of military interventionism, and pour money into think tanks and lobbying to give those policymakers an excuse to do so. This is all perfectly legal, and it happens constantly. Good to know that most doing evil are not aware that they are.

I grow continually more and more amazed at how western media get away with siting ‘think tanks’ funded by governments and defense contractors to promote imperialist propaganda. If everyone understood that they do this constantly and what that means, it would end the mass media. Think tanks are the brains behind some epidemics too for population controls.

Positivity in the world begins with ‘intent’ then always looking for the benefits or best outcome as an opportunity in everything. Of course, there are challenges of the mind and heart that have no immediate ‘feel good answer’, but life must go on moving through inclement times and storm as the sun will always shine for hope and a sense of being reborn. Good and evil come from the same energy force. Don’t divide into good or evil – use good or not good.

Be one with yourself. That is good. Not good is being aimless or selfish. Be innocent with eyes wide open for choosing the best selfless paths.

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