
Holy Books & Dictionaries 📣

Holy Books & Dictionaries 📣
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May 14, 2021
‘One world religion’ has NOTHING to do with saviors, saints, males of antiquity or holy books that are allegedly responsible for great miracles and guiding humanity. Like many things that still may have value in them, but have been superseded by better, easier methods to be ‘saved’ is otherwise like putting a square peg in a round hole. There are better methods like having places of applying positive fuel to those who come for assistance and stimulation as in a new religion. Meeting places can exist for providing all the words, and techniques to reach inner love, awareness, and discernments for all life.

We no longer use dictionaries when a word can be looked up on the computer. Dictionaries (and encyclopedias) gather dust as should all the holy books. Yesteryears methods in all things need reevaluation and updating regardless of a previous value. And yet let there be value in the old for those who must have the freedom to choose. There is a better way, and it’s very simple. Let’s be realistic and positive and seek the simple opportunity. Old religions are like dictionaries – who buys a DICTIONARY any more?! All we need is love and its accompanying attributes.

Falling into love is a road to falling out of love. Rise in love. Always look for opportunities to rise in love. There are storms and even seemingly hopeless blank spots in life. Always there are opportunities waiting, be they hidden until who knows when. The open heart will give the answers.

Time to get on the road of love and give up the booze, drugs, complacencies, bad habits, and all traps that keep you running in place, or even the slow sinking in quick sand. Listen to the little voice deep within and see that heading into the light is wordless. With every stumble, get up and wipe the dust off to rise above it.

How can am open heart send and receive the best messages for life? The same way the limited brain does! They both have a mind. Listen to your heart. Let the clear mind ‘police’ that the heart is not overworking or over emphasizing, and even be it ‘out to lunch’ or not being open enough.

To be in superconsciousness of maximized love energy, one needs a clear connection from the heart to the brain/mind. When in the world without the strong presence of love the heart/mind connection will face unnecessary challenges and discombobulations. Always seek a time out to reboot and align the marriage of mind and heart with the heart leading the way to positive results. Seek opportunities for the heart to love the mind as then the mind will love the heart. In a relationship of two souls meeting and melting as one is when ‘both’ individually have a clear mind-heart connection within. The real ‘holy book’ is the mind and heart in love with each other. God or godliness enters the presence. When the mind is well and the heart is well, always nirvana of blissfulness will be carried within.

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God’s Wellness Center

God’s Wellness Center
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May 9, 2021
A parable for wellness: A friend went to the God’s Wellness
Center to have their routine check-up and it was confirmed
that they were ill. When God (let’s call God, ‘love’ or maybe
better, a combination name of male and female like
‘Caitlyn’) took my blood pressure, Caitlyn saw I was low in tenderness. When reading my temperature, the thermometer registered 40o of anxiety. Caitlyn ran an electrocardiogram and found that I needed several “love bypasses” since my arteries were blocked with loneliness and could not provide for an empty heart.

My friend went to an orthopedic, because they could not walk by their brother’s side and they could not hug their friends, since they had fractured themselves when tripping with envy. Caitlyn also found they were short-sighted, since they could not see beyond the shortcomings of their brothers, sisters, and friends. When complaining about deafness, the diagnostic was that they had stopped listening to Caitlyn’s voice talking to them on a daily basis. For all of that, Caitlyn gave them a free consultation thanks to His/Her mercifulness, so my pledge is to, only take the

natural remedies Caitlyn prescribed through his/her words of truth:

*Every morning take a full glass of gratitude.

* When getting to work, take one spoon of peace.

* Every hour, take one pill of patience, one cup of loving hood and one glass of humility

* When getting home, take one dose of love

* When getting to bed, take two caplets of clear conscience

*Do not give in to sadness or desperation for what you are going through today. The Devine Presence knows how you

feel…Go`d knows exactly and with perfection what is being allowed to happen to you in your life at this precise moment. God’s purpose for you is simply perfect. She/He wants to show you things that only you can understand by living what you are living, and by being in the place you are now. May the ‘Illimitable presence’ give you…* For every storm, a rainbow* For every tear, a smile,* For every care, a promise,

* And a blessing in each trial. For every problem, life sends a faithful friend to share. For every sigh, a sweet song.

*And an answer for each prayer. You are a child of the Devine with everything within to help you to find the spirit of life and love that is your right to have and experience.

Always know your spirit is indomitable and a light unto the dark. You are an endless candle in the wind that shines the light unto the path for others. Remember, you are a reflection and child of Godliness. And, remember and know that ‘God’ or whatever name used, represents both mother and father and is best reached through the sensitive heart and mind with awareness and discernment.


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Manic on the Go#@%*#!

Manic on the Go#@%*#!
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May 6, 2013

I might be crazy, and don’t mind if you think so, but it feels right to me! I’m in love with the ‘resident’ inside the body. Always look for the ‘body inside’ even if it’s barely visible. Be in love with your body…inside! If that doesn’t work, try the techniques to find that love within. Some of them are called ‘meditating techniques’. They are varied, and like most things, as in the seeds planted in the garden – they need consistent care and attention as they slowly blossom. Your inner love will slowly blossom, and all you need to do is protect it from that which is harmful.

The world is having a ‘manic’ attack on it’s sensibilities and common sense, stirred with fear tactics implemented by world political systems for purposes of more control. Over the last few decades references have continued to be made of controls being implemented for a ‘new world order’, and not one wanted by the desired freedoms of the masses. However, one that the masses ‘think’ they have welcomed.

The false shall be sold as freedoms of choice. Brings to mind an analogous situation. In a prison there is always rumblings over conditions. One day someone started a circular paper to support greater freedoms and care. The prisoners were happier particularly since they could voice their thoughts regularly. Of course, it’s still a prison. Unknown to the prisoners the paper was started and edited by the head of the prison who maintained that information in the dark shadows. This is analogous to what’s happening on the planet. Mind control, not by the political system, but who controls it from the dark shadows cloaked in secrecy.

As technological advances become more sophisticated not to mention dangerous, and more and more rapidly available, controls of common sense for the protection of humanities freedoms of positive expression need be developed. Humankind allowing themselves to be guinea pigs and mindlessly accepting of controls due to lack of being informed as they fritter away endlessly while the big bad wolf is busy behind the scenes manipulating them is a recipe for taking away all human liberties.

For the first time in life on earth, we are at the precipice of collectively raising us into superconscious beings and not chattel or sheeple to be manipulated, dominated and controlled into a herd mentality to be farmed by the oppressors. Realization must arise that we are the ‘oppressors’ by our silence, lack of being informed, lack of individual inner development, and lack of personal action to make a difference in bringing more light, joy and blissfulness into the world. People seem to be experiencing a form of psychosis, including hallucinations and delusions, which indicate a separation from reality. It’s time to rise up from the fearful skid row of the mind and heart while moving closer to a nirvana.

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Teflon Intellectualism

Teflon Intellectualism
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May 3, 2021

Stop and not think, and feel the pleasurable ‘no mind’ experience. The heart and the mind are not always friendly to each other. The worst use of the intellect, is to ignore the heart, and worse yet to deny it. In today’s world, the minds of humankind have become divorced from the heart. Heart emotions have become compartmentalized and put into a closet replaced by the mind, not to mention chasing satisfaction of the appetites. Relegating the heart to an often non used appendage of the mind is a course on the path to battles with who you are close to including yourself. Being overdependent on the mind, while with a struggling heart, will deceive the mind that it’s always ‘the other’ person who causes the fracas.

The end result of over intellectualizing consistently is to dig deeper and deeper into habits of marginalizing positive emotions. There is a time to control emotions and a time to totally ‘let go’. A good measurement is to avoid negative emotions and yet being the watcher of them when they come or arise, and that is in itself a positive choice. The negative is a ‘teacher’ for those aware and able to let the heart be a helpful guest.

Wisdom avoids fighting the mind to the best of its ability. Wisdom sees the benefit in all and is able to convert any perceived negativity to its highest consciousness. As you see life, be it as a struggle or as something to be enjoyed, life as you see it will be as you see it. It’s a mirror of how you think and are or not in harmony with mind and heart. You attract what you give out. Avoid the dissonant or at least keep ‘the measure of your inner harmony’. Mind creates battle, heart moves in the opposite direction.

Nature is without words and instead a breathing organism. No ‘Mark of the Beast’ is possible without words, and certainly not with the heart that listens and speaks the ‘breath of love’. Letting go of a mind that is non stop running, sometimes impressing itself that it’s a formidable king when it is only a servant of life is a wise choice. Intellect is not intelligence as we have been conditioned to think. Intellect is ‘flat line’ or horizontal while intelligence is vertical encompassing everything from logic, intuition, feeling, instinct, emotions, logic, discernment, etc. The intellect is very valuable, yet it doesn’t breath as the heart does. Always remember to put heart and compassion into the words. One day, words will mean nothing as the heart of consciousness will be merged into the illimitable space. Let your being be like a multitude of multicolored fragrant roses.

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Spiritual Chaos

Spiritual Chaos 🙏
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May 1, 2021
All religions are here to stay until individuals, and the collective, are aware enough of themselves to best handle life in consciousness. This past year or so has proven that the collective population is easily lead by fear and a ‘lack of credible research of what’s going on with the world lockdown’, and the violence in most inner downtown cities. The general populace is unconsciously guided by propaganda from the media, politics, and corporations.

Throwing the baby out with the water at this point would be to increase what’s already a very mixed chaos into one on steroids. Humanity is still ‘groveling’ for traction of any semblance of harmony, let alone common sense. We are at the ‘post neanderthal collective development stage’ with ‘runaway technology’ that, if left unchecked, will destroy where we’ve managed to come to after millions of years. Common sense, aligned with the heart, is still in the dawn of awakening. Instant transformation of life is possible, and why not now and here? If not that…how about here and now?

Chaos is the begging of change, and if viewed as an opportunity to grow to new heights, is the storm before the calm. It may not be something we like to be involved in, but chaos can be a teacher of what to avoid and what to focus on in a more positive direction. On a personal basis, it can be a relationship that turns into a type of chaos or one that blocks the ‘feel goodness’ of interactions. Whether it’s you, the other, or both of you who creates the recurring dissidence, it’s like ‘harmony stuck between a rock and a hard place, it’s always going to be a drain on harmony. Harmony that is ‘drugged’ is perpetual chaos.

Suppression of what needs to be let out creates a relentless churning of forms of internal chaos. Come back to your ‘natural self’. In letting go and opening the heart with a friendship to the mind, there will be ‘order in the court of life’! Listen to your heart by feeling your heart and then what your mind-heart is saying to listen to. As this is written, it’s ‘May Day’ (May1)) – day of renewal, but also a sign of distress – ‘SOS’. Let the ‘now’ be a moment of letting go of the signs of distress of any and all internal chaos to move into a journey of celebrating life. Obstacles are Opportunities! Always take the best options available.


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Methodical Delusion

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April 21, 2021

THE GREATEST ‘DELUSION’ is not seeing that you are a beautiful being, but for the persistent piling on of negative experiences that you choose to be part of who you think you are, but are not in reality. Moving you into your ‘real self’ is a process, and always one that take intent as well as seeing who you are at the moment with assets and liabilities. Those assets and liabilities do become so fastened to who we think we are to be a point of both being liabilities for letting the light in to see who you really are inside.

Routines and habits (R & H) need to be examined as to being the best you can live with everyday or not. We don’t live in a world void of others. Ask how those R & H’s affect others, especially the one and/or those you are closest to. Every moment be mindful of focusing on the art of harmonious positioning yourself with all. Leave all aspects of life as you found them, at least, and frequently think about leaving them better. Make choices that are pleasurable for you and others including knowing when to be close to another, or in a positive balance. People who are mindful of self evolvement are the best choices to bring into your life.

Life is an opportunity with everything. Sometimes that opportunity is mysterious or invisible, or is not coming in to awareness in the moment. Most people, in spite of the hidden gem within, are either useful, or useless idiots waiting or set to evolve to be ‘morons or more-on’ than those staying idiots. Top of the idiots are ‘super idiots’, for example politicians or those accomplished in the material world according to some arbitrary standard of assessment. The ‘more-on’ has started seeking the answers to life as well as the inner evolvement of themselves.

The pinnacle is for ‘being’ human, or arriving at being a ‘human being’. Today that means a superconsciousness being in the light, and that light is within. It has been called ‘enlightenment’, which has no basis of measurement. I prefer the term ‘lovenlightenment’ which is more measurable by measuring the algorithms of the past into a ‘resume’ at the moment. Everyone has the opportunity to evolve their inner being into the lightness that brings more joy and bliss to themselves and the world they daily encounter. Your ‘legacy’ is leaving the world having been the best loving human being you could be.

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