
Control by ‘Material Love’

Control by ‘Material Love’
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March 28, 2021
Doesn’t take much brain power to see how to control the world into a Plandemic. As Henry Ford once said, I don’t need to know how to do things, I just have to get the people who have the brains. This world lockdown and fear mongering was started by one man. One man can do it, with money and power who has a few friends who agreed with him, and those few friends had other powerful friends who all agreed it was time to payoff the ‘brains’ on how to control the world. Quite simple: Answer ‘Think tank’: The term denotes a group of people who are paid to do nothing but read, discuss, think, and write, usually to address and redress a matter of vital importance to humanity.

You can think of a ‘think tank’ as a research university blessed with a complete absence of students and where, as a consequence, none of its professors has to teach—all they have to do is research, research, research. At last count, the United States had 1,984 ‘think tanks’—nearly a third of the world’s total. American think tanks are constantly researching solutions to a variety of the world’s problems, and then arguing, advocating, and lobbying for policy changes at local, state, and federal levels.

It’s just a matter of picking one of the best who is willing to be on board of how to control the world into a ‘new world order’. Beginning with a given that most are compliant to authority without much questioning and research. Control the media even further. People are too busy on different levels to do anything but pay attention to mainstream news and the ‘word of mouth’ along with rules mandated (which is NOT a law) by those in charge, many who have been blackmailed prior; especially with pedophilia often after they’ve been duped down with some chemical. Much research over the years is used to guesstimate the compliance of the unsuspecting masses as easily controlled.

All this is further facilitated by use of algorithms to sift through ways to control minds. Shutting down the countries thousands of business buildings and convincing millions to work from home so millions are not in communication at work, especially during breaks, lunch and after hour get togethers. Also allowing groups to protest and damage thousands of buildings violently assure they will stay empty.

Of course, through fear and ignorance (failure to do the research) on all levels of society, masking is deemed essential even though it has been proven by many experts to be useless, it facilitates the lockdown. Corrupted and misinformation is fed to over 90% of the people, who again are both too lazy or busy to look deep into information by innumerable experts who never are allowed on or in controlled mainstream news including newspapers. A scam to be successful usually needs some truths, but hiding what is known that would put light on the lies.

To stop the ongoing control and abuse worldwide, people need to be lights of consciousness. You’re ‘one light’ in the darkness of lies and misinformation is to awaken what the power of love for truth can do to enlighten the whole world, and the moment now is an ‘open window’ before this time is gone for longer than all are alive on the planet. One light of truth can set fire to the dark world of lies as it lights others to join. To live in awareness of opportunity for truths is to energize the world into one of love and harmony.
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Trust, Trust?

TRUST! Trust? 💕
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March 27, 2021

While ‘stepping on moonlight, trust that it’s harmless. When a woman really loves a man and the man loves her the same, is ‘trust’ really necessary to say, ‘trust me?’ It’s not necessary when the love and commitment is deeper than the deepest ocean or as endless as the limitless sky. To trust is to convince the mind that you are safe to get what you expect. Not everything can be trusted on how you want its outcome. Trust without examination of probable outcome can be a ‘flip of the coin’, and if wherever it lands doesn’t make much difference then it’s ‘teflon or immaterial trust’.

Trust is from a family of like words with slightly different meanings like ‘belief or faith, and even hope’. None of those is ‘knowing’, but instead a ‘gamble’ of word intentions. Knowing is beyond all conjecture. We know the sun is there everyday regardless of cloud coverage. We know everyone dies and that the body isn’t permanent. It’s a better use of time in this ‘exposing information era’ to dig deep to see what is real from fiction. Deep love is not fiction and always remains through life and beyond.

Only when you cannot distrust have you come to the core of your being. You must first trust yourself. You must have a deep trust in yourself. Trust your intelligence. Trust is not necessary if you know, k and only that what you think is real, you can choose to trust. Trust is conditional based on strong common sense reasons to assume you know the outcome…or you trust your judgment. Trust like belief, implies a certain amount of doubt but less than belief. Of course, you are more safe to be right if the need to trust is not necessary.

Love in its depth does not need ‘trust’ if you trust yourself, the other is also you. Trust them to be what you want them to be, but real love goes beyond that need. Love is a dimension of trust until it becomes your very breath. Real love doesn’t need trust in its’ highest dimensions. Those who go on say, ‘I love you more and more’ suggest that love is incomplete and must be trusted to always be there. Real love does not know any quantities as it is a quality, and one beyond explanation or need of trust. That is my experience. Knowing doesn’t need trust. Any flicker of doubt needs trust. Open the heart, let go and trust whatever is, and it can be your love beyond all thoughts and need of faith or trust. Trust is of the mind. Knowing is of the splendiferous open heart. Deep love gives and receives with no conditions.

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Scam Little

Scam Little🤡
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March 19, 2021
How can love be a scam? A scam is to be in denial that it is a scam that also surreptitiously benefits the perpetrator at the expense of the receiver of the deceptive results.

The great actor, Robert Downey, Jr. was a ‘hi friend’ who also worked out in Gold’s Gym as I did in Venice Beach, while in addition he lived in full front view of my ‘worlds’ largest free speech display’ on the famed Venice boardwalk in the early 2,000’s. Downey played the lead role in the recent ‘Dr. Dolittle’ film. In my eyes, a Dr. Dolittle represents a name that describes itself as one who in the late 19th century traveled from town to town doing ‘little’ but giving the perception of offering ‘magical cures’ of dubious nature for those who were gullible. In other words, a scam artist.

A scam is that which does little for the truth of what it’s about. A scam is to ‘buffalo or con people into believing it’s for their good. The more hidden the ‘falseness’ in the ‘lie’, the more likely of it’s anticipated desired results for the perpetrator. A scam can be done by an individual or even a huge collective of people as in politicians pushing an agenda. Sometimes both the scammer and those scammed do not realize that it is one. The illusion is so deceptive that all fall in line, except for those who deeply question the roots and intents of whatever it is that is offered.

The art of the scam done, to work needs fake sincerity as well as a backup plan if it leaks out in the victims mind that ‘something doesn’t seem right’. Which brings up the question, ‘have we been living in a scam world where most is an illusion. It’s an illusion for those who find comfort in living on the surface, and are too uninterested or lazy to question what they are living with.

Imagine, that most live ‘until the end’ in their imagination of most things, even ‘love’. Most scams to be bought must have at least a sliver of truth that comforts the victim. Even those who fall in love are usually both victims of initially seeing through their hearts and testosterone. It’s why it’s called, ‘falling in love’ where the couple is in a mutual scam. ‘Rising in love’ or dedicated always to rising to the highest of the experience is to move through the initial illusion that doesn’t ‘jell’ with who each have been in real time of their past lives. That beginning ‘euphoria’ is only a scam or illusion because the past inner expression of love lived doesn’t match. In essence, it was a boogie board ride that fell rather than fly with two wings of love as one. Always the question must be asked, ‘am I scamming myself and all life around me’? Arhata~

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Condition the Mind

Condition the Mind?

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March 14, 2021

You’re here because you don’t know where else to go. You harbor a past that limits your self appreciation. You have habits which both keep you stuck let alone annoys others, and your not about to take a look at them, and either let them go or make them better. If you don’t care, surely know one else is likely to. Has your mind become the enemy? It’s been said in all religions, ‘love your enemy’. Lo and behold, it’s more than likely the enemy is inside you that you’ve been ignoring for years. You don’t know where to go? Go within!

Simply move your attention inside, and that will be like the budding flowers who through attention of sunshine, the inner starts a growing process to a bud and then a flowering. You’ve developed a mind that is your ‘sole possession’, why not take control? At this point, the collective wind of the world seems to be out of control, and the enemy within.

There is a mind war going on now and few see it as a war for control of your mind. Teflon knowledge, or mainstream information is a pablum for the lazy mind to shut down any investigative, questioning effort by the masses of humanity. Word is among those who control is that all but a few have opted to be busy and use relaxing time for anything but finding out what’s going on. It’s never too late to rescue your mind from ‘swamp dwelling’ and avoiding looking below the surface.

It’s time to rescue the love within rather than leave it in the swamp of neglect before it gets

unredeemablely. Mind needs heart and heart needs mind, not forgetting a connection with the universal source known by some as god. Your mind plays tricks. You think it is your mind and you never doubt it. In reality it is societies having been forced on you and you succumbed to the imprinting. You have let the mind become intimate with you. From the beginning you have been imprisoned from a certain culture. You are born as a pure consciousness. You have acquired all kinds of imprisonments. Focus on letting go of mind conditioning and be open to conditioning your heart to be open as it should be with the clear mind as a friend to steer thoughts between obstacles and opportunities. This is your moment! Heaven is a place on Earth, first!


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Dumpster Diving Racist Friends

Dumpster Diving Racist Friends

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March 22, 2021

Time to erase the current political divisive control word ‘racist’ as another of many, many words to negatively pigeon hole people, and to foster the continued morphing of human intelligence into moronism. Free speech is under attack not only from social mediums, mainstream media, but the millions who become compliant like robots, or even little children. Consider being free of all language control words as triggering negative reactions in you which make you feckless and ignorant.

I don’t care for negative trailer trash people or those violent. In fact, don’t really care if they are rich or poor. Doesn’t matter what color, but they need to be carefully judged for their positive interaction. Drugs and alcohol abuse are beyond color. Never heard the word ‘racist’ when/where I grew up. Seems like ‘pin the tail on the donkey’, and anyone pinning a racist needle on me or you is the real ass. It’s time to get the weed/leaf blower out to send all this ‘word trigger stuff’ to the wind and outer space to disappear. Also, not a bad idea to let go of all words that trigger you.

Racism is a system, a paradigm and you may be an unwitting participant. Everyone, on some scale of life, is compelled to be an intellectual force. They must think. They must value. They must act. Avoidance of such is the very nature of depravity and the root of society’s ills. There is hardly a single living person who can’t make a transformative jump in their life and also contribute to that in society. We personally and collectively owe thankfulness to our infinite generations of those who came before us so that we arrive at this unbelievable ‘transformative time’. Every one has billions of predecessor relatives.

No culture or race is so special that they should perpetrate the idea that they are. The superior or enlightened person can only be seen if negative and racial differences are dropped then they disappear into the mix of everyone. We need a more spiritual world where everyone is seen as a Buddha or Christ, but for their resistance to see that they are by letting go of all negative attachments. Seek the good in everyone including yourself. We are each different and at different levels, none higher than the other. We all come into life with liabilities, be they color, intelligence and any status or lack there of. Move beyond being critical and if you are, be constructive and empathetic in what you say about another. We all have assets that are better than most. No one is not more intelligent than everyone is in some way. It’s good to remember that all of us are less knowing of infinite things. Know love of self, it doesn’t require any book learning, but to let the mind reach into the heart. The real Dumpster might just be inside you!

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Mosquito Vaccination

Mosquito Vaccination?
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March 10, 2021
Recently, I had to blink my eyes a few times as I read this headline; ‘’Bill Gates wants to deploy modified mosquitoes to inject vaccines’’. Back in the eighties with a ‘wall street financial concern’ out of NY, I had a year or two where I called on companies and law firms on my Seattle trips. One of those law firms, was ‘Bogle & Gates’ where, Bill Gates’s father co headed (he has since passed away in September 2020). There also was a small startup computer firm called ‘Microsoft’ which seemed too small to call on. Little did I know that it was manned by Bill Gate Sr’s son, Bill Jr. or that it could become world famous (so much for my insight).

Today, many people judge Bill Gates’s involvement with vaccine promotion as being a ‘Master of evil’? This morning, I came upon the aforementioned title followed by this paragraph ‘’- Microsoft founder Bill Gates is mulling the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to “vaccinate” people. The technology bigwig and vaccine advocate brings his jab obsession a notch higher with the “flying syringes” project. To make this idea a reality, Gates has provided funding to a Japanese scientist who has pushed the idea of genetically modifying mosquitoes.

Bill Gates Wants To Release Genetically…

Bill Gates is representing most people who could care less by watching TV and ‘to hell with being informed’ that requires moving out of their comfort zones. Today many of people that have higher IQ’s are dumber than SOME OF THE alleged DUMB PEOPLE. Anyone who thinks that they are smart, but refuses to do the ‘due diligence’ investigating of the ‘corruption’ going on at this most opportune time in history, is part of the internal war that is going on.

Our freedoms are being flushed down the drain by those that benefit while the majority remain blind to the personal egregious, satanic behavior that goes on ignored, from child trafficking, abuse of females, to corruptions in the economy, and mostly shutting down freedoms of expression that are necessary for a loving personal relationship and a healthy society. The list is too long to mention. Be a light unto yourself first, then a light unto others as the world in some ways has gotten darker which maybe it must be before the light happens that nurtures the world as we all so badly need. We’ve run out of time, and must look at everything as an opportunity to make the best of whatever comes before us. Time for sunshine, and then stars in the dark.

Whether or not this seemingly crazy mosquito vaccination idea gets any traction, it is indicative of the incredible technology that’s speedily rushing to ‘mind control’ us rather than most at the same time rising above it. A healthy balance is imperative with a renewed focus on living more from the vast deep heart energy and consciousness rather than living from the traps of the ‘alone’ mind.

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Be Hyperbolic!!! 👆

Be Hyperbolic!!! 👆
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March 2, 2021

WE are all spiritual beings with the opportunity to get free of what traps our inner growth, and on a journey back to our spatial world when leaving this body behind. There are no more runs at life when you escape this one to come back as the ‘outer’ you were. The ultimate divorce from this particular journey is set in stone. You will have become either an angel, a suffering soul, or a mindless other ‘soul drifter’ looking to repeat what you didn’t wake up to.

To be ‘hyperbolic’ is to be exuberant about life in the moment right now. Just as the unborn are influenced by the mother and her environment in becoming who they likely become during childhood, and most frequently continue on as an adult, but there’s hope.

Each day we all need to recharge our spiritual battery, otherwise the light of our consciousness becomes dim, thoughts become fuzzy, and decisions are impregnated with doubt. Power is available inside and outside. Inside us we have a spiritual centre, at the core of our consciousness, pure radiant spiritual light. This is what we are. However it is now blocked by our attachments, the record of all our life experiences and many learned beliefs and erroneous perceptions. Outside us we have the sun of spirit, the source, invisible to our physical eyes but only one second away when we are able to quieten and focus our mind.

Meditation connects us to both sources of power – that’s why meditation is the way to access the real vitamins and the minerals that spirit craves. The vitamin of pure love and the minerals

of truth and wisdom. Take time to empower (gaslight?) yourself today. Sit quietly and connect your mind to each source and allow yourself to recharge and renew.

Be surreptitious or a bit secretive in seeking the peace within for it is a private journey to the unknown hidden within you. Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique and incomparable. You are you, I am I! Waste no more time on the outer while ignoring the diamonds within. See the blessings you have been given and be ‘hyperbolic’ about living life in your higher consciousness. You are a miracle! See it and be it!

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