Love Clouding Logic

3217491947_f30db35632_mAlice’s Illusions
November 8, 2009
Love clouding logic is crap! People have problems. Sometimes ‘love’ thinks it can intervene to coverup what needs ‘tuf love with common sense and logic. Whether it be a partner, child or, friend, there is a line that when crossed creates more unnecessary damage and clouds the beauties of love’s splendor. Love, in its full splendor, has it’s own mysterious logic to move one in the direction of love’s light.

Logical love is the ultimate strength as alluded to by this passage from the ‘Song of Solomon’: “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is as strong as death; jealous and ignorance as cruel as the grave; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which has a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if one would give all the substance of his heart for love, it would utterly be contented.”

Love seemingly fallen in ashes always rises up to renew itself. Love overturns every stone of hope as it seeks to find it’s strength. Love is not choosing a direction to enable that which later breaks the heart. LOVE must first find the love that burns within for the attention and wisdom it needs to give its clarity of love to another.

The ‘quest’ and search is illustrated again in the ‘Songs of Solomon’: ‘By night on my bed I sought to know who I am whom my soul loveth but, I found out not. In my visions I rose up and went about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I sought him whom my soul loveth, but again I found the answer not.’ Then in my search I saw, ‘Who is this who comes out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke?’

Out of all darkness of the soul of love comes the clearing light of consciousness to guide one to the highest realms of the wisdom of the heart and mind. Found is the knowing of who one really is beyond the illusions of the dark.

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