
New God?

June 6, 2023

No one can define God. God is just a word, but it represents what any spiritual person would agree is a reality either intuitively, by belief and faith, or just beyond what the mind can understand. What’s the point of denying God, as it’s futile. A secret of life is that which lives. Secrets aren’t necessary, it (god) just is, and beyond minds endless questioning. Those who question will always be stuck on the question as God is beyond the proof that skeptics are in perpetual discombobulation about. If one truly loves their inner selves, there will be a place where questions of God existing or not, no longer will be necessary. God will just be the illimitable presence of ‘suchness’.

We believe that humans have God-given rights.  However, belief in an authority greater than the state goes against the philosophy of communism and must not be allowed by its adherents.  Karl Marx regarded religion as the opium of the people. He viewed religion as a drug created by men, to temporarily ease their suffering.  He felt that religion should be replaced by a Marxist society, which would ease physical suffering — no longer requiring a religious analgesic to mask it. Karl Marx was unaware of the power of Ai controlled by man with “agendas’’ contrary to freedoms and inner evolvement (the new term is ‘subjective’ directed evolution (by Ai of course). However, man becoming the God is allowing man to become the devil for infinite oppressions with no way to unshackle the darkness and destruction while going back to ‘free will’ is a closed door.

People would cease to have any rights at all — only permissions granted by other men known as ‘moral relativism’.  Further, those permissions would be subject to change at any time relative to the shifting of power and the desires of the powerful. People can be made vulnerable to exploitation especially as ‘freedoms of speech’, that in the past several years since 2020 use has been eroding and replaced by censorship between individual people and even in the universities that once were the beacons of free speech now have become submission to new rules created by social ‘mind programming’.

The big free expression question now arising is – will Artificial Intelligence (Ai) gain such power that it replaces God with just ‘intellectual dysphoria’ AND, relative to the change of who’s in charge with the possibility to make life demonetized. With the introduction of the ‘microchip’ in everyone, that can be controlled by Ai and other sources of radiation like ‘Harp frequencies’, humans will lose what free will we now have.

The Nazi master race of the 21st century attempted to exterminate an entire people, with the belief that it was the right thing to do.  Now the social justice warriors of the 21st century are working to reward victimhood and normalize antisocial behavior.  All have advocated disregard for God’s guidance in service to their ever-changing interpretation of “right.” which Ai and those programming it will decide.

When morality became relative in 2020, self-defense became an offense against society, deviant behavior became brave, destruction of life became choice, crime became redistribution, riots became mostly peaceful, law enforcement enforced submission, and gifts from God were superseded by virus protocols.

John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious, aka spiritual, people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Focus on inner self love as ‘Acquired Intelligence’.

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