A woman knows best!
One of the secrets in life is ‘balance’. Skewing one way or the other upsets the balance,
which may, of course, be an opportunity to learn how to find that balance of harmonious
positioning. Males often have a sense of ‘righteousness and a puffed up ego’ that is
about nothing but insensitivity. Perhaps, good mothering smooths that out, or a practice
of deep meditation to mend the illusion and self deception.
There was a time when I seemed to be meeting a few men who claimed they were
‘enlightened’, and of course when queried, didn’t have a very good explanation of
what that looked like except the implication was that the listener wasn’t! I said to
some of them, that unless an enlightened woman declares them enlightened, they
weren’t. It was another way of saying, drop out of this enlightened business, and
be humble and sensitive then maybe one day you’ll just focus on that and accept who
you are without all the phony glitz.
Women are about ‘Venice love’, men are about ‘Mars sex’. It’s not that there isn’t
some crossover, and that a few men are better at vulnerability to love than many women.
Fear of intimacy seems to be an ingrained phenomenon in all cultures, yet collectively
there is a sense of love in females for acting with sensitivity which is likely an instinct ‘inborn’
for mothering. If one or the other, needs total responsibility for a female to trust in her deep
intimate nature, it’s a good idea for the male to accept that opening for both. Females
inherently are open to love more, while males tend to be satisfied with the often inevitable
lowering of love’s emotion. They come together in peaks of initial love, but as time goes on,
often the male slowly pays less attention, leaving the female holding on to ‘what love was’,
and she eventually is accepting less, but with an openness for more of where love went.
Behind every successful man there is a woman, and a mother is one who is still there when
everyone has left you. We always choose to see externally forgetting our own strength which
is within. Once we realize that what we seek is not far away but very close to us, rather within
us we will be peaceful, happy, fearless which is our true nature. This is the eternal truth. Love
felt will always be there quietly waiting for you to feel. A loving male caringly accepts and values
a woman’s perspective. As a very special woman friend said, ‘see all women as the ‘little,
innocent girl she once was,’ (especially the troubled one). A woman is a hidden angel of light
and love. Never forget, the Truth is like a Lion. Set it free, and let it defend itself.