

July 27, 2020

It’s always time to be on vacation with God and leave unnecessary stressing to seek the love within. God is an archetype at least. An ‘archetype’ being an image of something that represents a symbol that may or may not be a ‘myth’ as representing certain qualities. It is commonly prevalent in religions and spiritual experiences.

God is 3 letters to describe the universal force of life. It’s not a matter of belief or not…but if a belief one way or the other works for your mind…so be it. Look deeper or maybe you don’t have to because ‘it’s beyond you’ as it is for a pesky ‘gnat’. To know the obvious is not a belief, that embodies within it the definition ‘doubt’. Belief can be powerful, but is unnecessary if you ‘know’.

Proselytizing God is in my mind making a fabrication real when it’s missing the mark of the personal elements that need attention like positivity, compassion, awareness, common sense, etc. Proselytizing is to try to persuade someone to change their religious or political beliefs.

There is a God, but impossible to define as it has infinite descriptions, and some beyond our abilities. God, (the term used in English to refer to the ‘Father in the Sky’) (sexist?) as often said by Christians, or whomever, to attribute the phrase ‘god’s will’ to all that happens. For example to say a ‘child’ is just randomly ‘miscarried’ and a bad thing, is programmed thinking. God energy, for reasons that are ‘good’, creates a ‘spontaneous abortion’ (miscarriage) for good reasons. It’s time to let go of being triggered by perception that is the result of hanging on to personal unclear self programming due to life reactionary conditioning. Reactions, in fact, best need aborting in favor of positive acceptance of being ‘open minded’, non judgemental & positive. A deep love of self perceives the world through that energy. Love yourself, and abort the negative (maybe even spontaneously!). It’s ‘reset time’.

Does God exist? An atheist does not like even the question. Really is it doesn’t matter what an atheist thinks, or for that matter what a god fearing, reverent, proselytizer thinks. Time for a metamorphosis of thinking. A ‘reset’ mentally, emotionally, and spiritually out of the being anesthetized to walk in step with eyes closed. An additional thought or two are in these universal laws;

•The Law of Perfection – From and evolutionary perspective, everything is perfect just as it is.

•The Law of Ascension – As your soul frequency increases, you ascend into higher dimensions.

You are perfect as you are, given what has occurred in your life, but. It’s a ‘greater perfect’ to focus on evolving as a ‘reset’ to the highest ‘you’!


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