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Spiritual Shock Talk

You’ll Never Find ..

wowarhata / December 12, 2023
Spiritual Shock Talk

Scent of Karma

Spiritual Shock Talk


Spiritual Shock Talk

Free Speech Prison

Things to Do in New York

Recent Free Speech Posts

You’ll Never Find ..


Dec 12 2023

Teri & I spent beautiful years togetherin NYC when in our 20's. She becamea Naturopathic DoctorOctober 17, 2023Your song to yourself is…You'll never find, ...
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Scent of Karma


Dec 8 2023

October 7, 2023Enough is enough. It's coming back around. God is karma. You trick yourselves to think you are alright, when in reality you ...
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Nov 23 2023

September 28, 2023Discombobulated, confused, not awake or just beginning to awaken to a new reality. Just woke up!? We must love those just awakening ...
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Free Speech Prison


Nov 16 2023

My friend Maggie who tells the truth September 11, 2023Shutting down communication is not an art, but a sign of selfishness. Free speech is an ...
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Selling the Sheeple


Nov 11 2023

September 20, 2023It's common to be allergic to the truth! 'The real truth is that most don't want to know the truth' as they ...
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Begin Now!


Nov 7 2023

September 3, 2023Today is a new beginning and a reason for living a deeper meaning. Every breath you take and every step you make ...
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Who Are YOU?

By wowarhata | October 20, 2014 | 0

WHO are YOU? October 6, 2014 An answer likely indicates you think you are it who carries your name. The best response, which has to come from your deep inner […]

Past Stinks Future

By wowarhata | March 14, 2010 | 0

March 7, 2010 The past destroys the future!  ‘Hope’ for fixing the past for the future is akin to believing in the ‘tooth fairy’.  The past behavior and personal experiences […]

What Would You Do?

By wowarhata | August 24, 2018 | 0

What Would You Do?  July 14, 2018 What would you do if at some point in your life, past, present or future, and you had a knock on your door […]

How’s it Working for You?

By wowarhata | November 25, 2021 | 0

How’s It Working for You? 🤷‍♂️
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September 6, 2021

Are you meeting a rise in consciousness to make it a better World. Are you at least half way there, or living on an invisible or empty prayer … or maybe just taking it day by day like all the animals of the world? What’s your purpose? Are you cheating a God that you believe in, or if there was really one? Are you still stuck in the mud of blaming what’s happened to you since you can remember?

Get over the bumps and smooth out the road ahead! Do you listen to your heart, or is it just something you’re counting on being there? Maybe it’s multifunctional, and also operates as a guide for higher consciousness that the mind can only fein but never reach. The other side is coming for you sooner than you think. Best time in millions of years is now. Hard to believe with all the shams going on, and then there is Artificial Intelligence (Ai) in Silicon Valley, China, and wherever minds can be found to support their ‘mind games’ and robotizing people into sheeple. No… it is the best time! How’s it working for you?

Time to ratchet down those dreams of mounds of money, and what it will buy. All the time being educated in our primary and higher learning schools were really inoculating, intoxicating, ‘indoctrinating’ so so miseducations. Some people really think they’re smart, maybe successful. All illusion mostly. No one has a mentality that encompasses even 1% of the knowledge available. Can you wrap your head around that? It’s true, and even the fraction that anyone has knowledge of, is not knowing. Knowing is like knowing the Sun is the key to life! Call it ‘god’s heater’, or maybe if you drop programmed indoctrination beliefs for a moment, it just might be the ‘Sun of God’? Maybe even more than that?

How is your belief system working for you? All beliefs have doubts along with them, if you didn’t know that. Don’t want to give you a mental breakdown over that reality. That’s why you need ‘faith’ in religions. Faith in your beliefs that they may be true. It’s all about the voices in your head. Ever wonder what the heart feels? It is much more valuable than the mind which hasn’t been cleaned of the many voices in a long time. Actually, ever! Wars are fought in fear and the mind. The heart doesn’t like the adversaries of the negative. It’s a male energy thing of walking into fire for love’s belief. Love isn’t a belief. It’s a knowing that is the light of life. Seems that might just be what’s going to make life working better for everyone, and individually too. The ‘best life’ is to always look to inner evolve, and find it’s really working better for you!
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To my Free Speech Displays on the famous boardwalk of Venice Beach California


I also have DIY Free Speech Kits for you, your group or organization

For the Medicine of Truth

 I refer to as ’spiritual shock talk’ or ‘Zen Alarm Clock dialog’