

September 28, 2023

Discombobulated, confused, not awake or just beginning to awaken to a new reality. Just woke up!? We must love those just awakening from a ‘sleep’, but be mindful that they’re confused, and with understanding and sensitivity they are on a path, hopefully, of awakening emotionally and spiritually beyond what they were. A cocoon awakens into a butterfly.

However, it is prudent to not expect them to awaken faster than what is ‘natural’ for they are still clinging to the womb of the comfort of having made questionable friends with their negative enemies that have caused them unnecessary discomforts that we all face, but they haven’t figure out how to manage them yet. Most ‘wok-es’ are ‘il’-liberals (never were real liberals) and are often ineffectual, abusive, and insulting toward anyone who disagrees with them. There is a sense of barbarism. 

‘Forced learning’ creates reactions that may end up stunting natural positive growth. The more aware need not express that to them but use empathy and compassion for we all came from a barely ‘woke’ state at some point. I remember years ago, a Pastor emphasized that to me as some who come to church are ‘baby Christians’, but maybe tomorrow’s shining beacons of belief and faith. I remember telling him that I thought ‘belief, and faith in that belief’ was a step as one ‘believes’ because there is still doubt, but if you have enough faith in that belief, meaning questioning and looking deeper with an open mind and heart, you will eventually ‘know’.

An example of knowing is ‘you know that shiny thing in the sky is the sun’. Belief isn’t necessary when you know for sure. As to that ‘sun’ as the real ‘sun of god’? That’s expecting the woke to take a preemptive jump in consciousness that isn’t timely …yet. Know that the ‘woke’ is very attached to what serves them in the moment, and will fight verbally to protect it while claiming they are right. It’s a moment to use ‘skillful means’ and not engage in ‘going nowhere’ confrontational banter. Deepening self-awareness is changing ourselves and changing the world we live in.

A person’s acceptance that they are part of something larger than themselves is necessary. We want to know who we really are and to know the truth of our existence and what our connection to a living Universe is. To me, the fundamental life-giving question that the heart commits to once is opened by love, suffering, and the awareness that one’s life begins with ‘self responsibility for what is on their plate is an opportunity to enjoy or make the best choices in any case to accept and deal with it in the highest way available. We all started with being awoken to the mysteries before us. Keeping informed and making the best choices is an ‘awakening’ journey to a more enlightening life. 

There is an urgency for each of us to lift up all ourselves, rather than to pit ourselves against one another. A combination of honesty, intellect, and foresight are exactly what we need to overcome our challenges in the years ahead. 

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