Eyes of Love

Eyes of Love
Eyes👀of Love
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September 29, 2019

As a baby, I had almost always one pair of loving eyes to look at, my teenage mother’s for almost two years as my father was in the service and away 95% of the time. Mom was living hours from her parent’s home in a little town on the Washington Coast. Her only companion was a little guy that looked like her young husband who she missed wondering if he would be killed. That eye connection, that I don’t remember of course, but it was programmed into my eyes, brain and heart forever within me.

Many don’t find that early connection as deep and often, but life always provides more chances. To miss those chances will always be a burden and a feeling of emptiness no matter how successful one might be. Those ‘eyes of love’, be they there naturally or developed, will always look deep into others for their positive communication or beyond the perception of a negative poor connection into the love buried deep within  them. Most who you encounter will be strangers, in fact in the beginning everyone  seems a stranger, but ‘eyes of love’ breaks through that illusion.

Loving yourself deeply isn’t always a formula to feel love to some degree for everyone, but it might be the best choice and opportunity. Love of the best kind even fades anger or any discomfort more than any other way and releases the attachment to the memories much earlier. You are who you love and who you love the deepest. Whether it’s reciprocal or not is never the question. Not everyone can reciprocate because of not letting go of what holds the heart closed from love’s energy. Showing love to them, returned or not, deepens your love and as time goes on they will hopefully, albeit late, as something they didn’t appreciate enough. If you love someone, give them infinite space.

Immature people ‘fall in love’ and destroy each other’s freedom creating a bondage or a lover’s prison. The word ‘falling’ may sound romantic in songs, but there is a better way. Mature people ‘rise in love’ and help each other to be free. They help each other to destroy all bondages. When love flows with freedom, that is beauty. When trying to be flowing with dependance, there is ugliness. My experience absolutely confirms the rising in love advantages and life benefits. An inner freedom arises quietly that most who have experiences of some love in it’s many variable ways and intensities miss. Marriage is only a trap from freedom if love isn’t deep and mutual. In order to love who, you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.


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