July 4th 2019
Failure is in the eyes of the beholder including those in judgment with their imagination. No one has the intent to fail. Life responds in its own way. Often we were too focused in a direction not harmonious with thought or desired outcome, right, wrong, or other. To be going in the right direction is dependent on what comes up to make it difficult or impossible. Life has unexpected mysteries that could have been foreseen often, but we all have blind spots. Some of those blind spots don’t matter, but some tackle us.
Always good to remember that who we think we are sets up a play to maintain that. WE are innocent children of God, yet we start somewhere, somehow to focus on satisfying the outer and inner desires that take away our realization that we first a spirit and not all the components of the human body. It’s ok to play that game but not to get lost in the notion that it is reality while forgetting who we are deep inside where our angel is always on duty. It’s always time to keep the inner angel active in all we do. Freedoms come from within, but we must nurture the inner love
The invisible is the strongest! What is invisible? That which you can’t see like thoughts, emotions, air, tomorrow, God, the real you … and, love! ABC – Always Be & Cee. Life is easy if we don’t get too attached to the hard, but it’s the hard that can be the springboard to new heights and dimensions. So many things, little or small, we overlook for hints of ‘we’d better pay attention’, or difficulties arise. Of course the key is how we handle those difficulties to catapult us to great awareness and results.
Following one’s heart or at least if not, doing the best with heart until the opportunity knocks and opens the door to what our mind and heart wants to do regardless of material reward. Our lives can be a movie that we make, even when starting over. Few get that chance. Everyone has a start over opportunity. When the mind and predicaments are at their lowest, the imagination and heart is cued up willing and ready to guide.
Not only do some have all the tools to fly to the great heights, but the world awaits the passion, willingness to adapt, and create the manifestation of what calls in your heart. Sometimes the best answer is just to enjoy, live small and experience big within. Gratitude for what one had or has in the moment of the present is a great gift! A secret is to have the heart and mind ‘gelling together’ and not being blasé or apathetic for nurturing your inner secrets. Have an attitude of gratitude the you are a miracle as you are!