Drunk Skunk Love

Drunk Skunk?Love

 February 23, 2019

Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places results in self medicating one’s selfish sorrows. Many who get ‘skunked’ or come up with a defeated sense of life are just living in the past holding on to bad memories that they choose to ‘blot out’ with little self worth or appreciation of others wishes. To choose life as one that is pissing in the wind, creates a stink on oneself and whoever might be around. 

Everyone knows how wrong it is to drive while drunk at least according to each states classification of what’s considered ‘drunk’. Why drive your life in a drunken state as ‘you’ are the most important vehicle. Getting high using anything but breath is cheating and ultimately detrimental to ever discovering breathing techniques referred to as meditation. Drugs and alcohol used with sensitive awareness, and only occasionally is one thing, but you instinctively know it’s a way to block who you think you are with unresolved buried problems. 

Getting high with substance abuse is, in a strange way, being a predator to the innocent child within you who is not in agreement with abusing it for your own selfish reasons. Habits by  definition can be like serial abusers, or if in awareness and with  good judgment, help sustain lifes positive happenings. Today, especially in America, there are a good selection of life’s repair or reboot groups that ‘reset’ you to fly upward in life rather than bounce from negativity to something resembling positivity on crutches. 

Each is born to be ‘being’ a human person called a ‘human ‘being’ all that’s possible to represent life’s millions of assorted species with the most potential. No other specie has that ability. It’s about paying attention where you are walking, and always seeking the best expression of you. It works if need be by using a ‘step by step’ approach, always selecting ways, means and methods to enhance every moment. 
Some say after disappointment that they will never love again ignoring the likely fact that you may never have loved in the first place the most important person in the world – yourself. When you love someone, you open up your heart. Remember to start with yourself first or loving anyone else is just a temporary thing. The greatest weapon in the world is the greatest drunk ….love. It’s nice to have ‘intellect’ that all have to varying degrees, but ‘intelligence’ is far more encompassing with qualities like common sense, empathy, compassion and a deep love of self without any temporary crutches that have adverse effects after their use. Love with awareness and discernment is a path up to the superconscious being that awaits your discovery and acceptance. You have the power to more than get what you’ve got, but to see that you’re a being of love and REALLY being a ‘human being’. Why have a life that stinks like a skunk? Smell the roses!  Arhata~

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One comment

  1. To always know the limits is the golden rule, though seldom followed. Another heavy thing on top of the barriers already in the way, may block the route to the Self completely.
    Not sure about ‘reboot’ groups. My individual decision was in realising the dilemma between drinking and meditation. Combining them never worked.
    Opted for the latter. So far so good. When clean and sober some subtle delight arises as a reward making you ‘drunk’ in a way.

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