Cloned Love
January 19, 2017
Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual human clones are no more possible than turning the moon into a cheese factory from the many cows jumping over the moon. The last few years, ‘cloning’ sheep or whatever has been one of the many infinite new things to feed the public minds that they don’t bother to examine. It’s been said that the unexamined life is not really a life lived. A ‘stand-in’ ‘somewhat look alike’ that a rare few use for some reason is just someone with similar physical attributes. Each human being is one of a kind even with identical twins who as much as they are alike in many ways, always have inner differences, sometimes opposite, to make them one of a kind.
It’s been said many times, that it’s good we are all different for it makes a more interesting life. The reality is, it would be much better if we were more alike. Why should anyone not be better looking or be emotionally happy? It’s a chaotic world because people are too different because of heredity, environments, cultures, upbringing, and so forth. Conscious humanity has an inborn instinct to improve except that ‘interferences’ clog the ability to do that in healthy ways.
Cloning love where everyone has no limits to being able to love themselves and anyone depending on their interest to reciprocate sounds great. On a collective basis, it seems impossible at this time anyway as few are developed enough for it to happen. Surely, it does happen in rare instances even though few experience it, and almost none have seen or heard of an unlimited love with no fear of intimacy, but it does exist! Two in consciousness and with no fear of intimacy, ‘clone’ the love into two separate examples but experienced as one.
Those who ‘control’, starting with the elite ‘globalists’ filtering down the matrix to your local community council, do both good and at the same time otherwise with their use of social engineering for mind control. The is NO interest in seeing the billions of people being ‘cloned’ into open minded, positive, questioning, loving, spiritual and other wise humans. Those in control at this time are essentially psychopathic with little caring other than for their endless need for power and a growing bottom line in their pockets. The ‘secret’ hidden in plain site to the matrix of control is to keep you within limits, or in other words, ‘censored’ from challenging the ‘controlling factions from local to worldly’.
‘Secrets’ mostly do not need to be secrets when it is detrimental to anyone. Just as the husband keeping secrets from his wife, those governing doing the same ultimately injure infinite peoples right to ‘life liberty and the pursuit of happiness’. It’s no secret that love and it’s manifestations is the answer to a new time for a new man and woman in superconsciousness to begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Clone with deep love!