by Arhata~
September 6, 2016
Understanding, I was once told, is the ‘booby prize’ of life! Most are quick to say they understand, but actually puzzled about what is deeper such as the ‘you’ beneath all that you’ve grown accustomed to from living with yourself precluding a little deep introspection. The outer you bares some reflection of the inner you. The societal protocols of what’s proper or not may have merit to follow, but you should question it for the authenticity of meeting your inner guide posts. To understand something may or may not have the effect of meeting and merging with what your heart intuition accepts.
The soldier must understand the commands of his superior who in turn must understand those of his superior, and not to question it’s inner impact of conscience. Humans can be used as non thinking robots or face consequences which hang over their head. Lying for the benefit of a groups objective is ‘peer pressure’ to conform regardless of it’s effect on others and your own sense of honor. Truth is bent or transformed into something resembling its opposite. Untruthful behavior and thinking accumulates and blocks truthful behavior. Weeds grow in the mind of the ‘self deceiver’.
I just read where ‘’Afghan Opium Production is 40 Times Higher Since the US-NATO Invasion. 90 Percent of the world’s opium comes from Afghanistan.’’ All involved, including the American decision conscious or unconscious to occupy this country while turning a blind eye (if even) to the effects world wide of allowing the unsupervised growth of one of life and love’s enemies for ‘greeds happiness’, which is ‘under’ innerstanding.
The follower of a ‘holy book’, to be a ‘good follower’ must not question god’s (?) word. The ‘under-lying’ message is you must ‘cherry pick’ throughout the negative ‘weeds’ of scripture, and where scripture is more ‘feel good’, this anthropomorphized personal conception of how to interpret god’s scripture has little room for everyone seeing it differently.
Innerstanding is to communicate with your highest self, and that includes an open heart as well as a mind that is aware and discerning. Letting go of the ‘attachment’ to all negative memories is necessary to see, and be unobstructed by conditions that block clear insight. The mind with a heart that is blocked or hardened becomes a troubled mind that seeks answers to desires that lowers empathy and compassion for others. An ‘understanding world’ lacks the heart of inner sensitivity for all. The heart is like the dawning of a new day, opening like the sun to its full shinning. The clouds are symbolic of a ‘you’ that is carrying the luggage of the past that needs to be free of the ‘clouds’ to feel the suns gentle rays, likewise the feelings of love in the heart.