Be Transgender

Be Transgender
by Arhata
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September 18, 2016
Now, it may be like running against a windstorm, but as time goes on, it will be going with the wind. Lots of complaints by the millions over ‘transgender restrooms’ being proposed under the President Obama term. People will settle down, and realize that there is a solution of perhaps a ‘third restroom’. The good thing is, it’s waking people up to not see everything in ‘polarity’ perception of this way and that only. There is a dawn and a dusk, and a lot of possibilities in between. 

I’m happy to say that I’m ‘transgender’ even though I never thought of applying the word until recently. The real news too, is that we are all ‘transgender’, and yet some are very male, while some very female outwardly and/or inwardly. All our backs are with the wind when we go with the flow of seeing the truth. 
Truth is, we all come from a female and male even if the male sperm was from a ‘test tube’. Hypothetically, we are 50/50 but likely a little more female or male, after all it takes two opposites (who of course are really transgender) to make a new human. 

Everyone should then see that inside each of us we are both male and female. Some are skewed one way or the other as for example a male who is very macho and warlike hiding the female side, due likelihood to a lack of balanced love as a child. The imbalance can always be centered with techniques like meditation, more compassion, and being in the heart with more sensitive behavior. The world, individually and collectively, becomes more harmonious as we create a new man and woman of a ‘transgender’ inner spirit and mind. The world has much dark that needs to lighten up to see each other as being of light, god, or godliness – whatever words you choose. The world doesn’t have to be one of getting unnecessarily ‘down’ caused by each’s own misperceptions and lack of willingness to grow within.

Now, about this ‘thing’ called god, at least in the English language, it doesn’t matter what life’s loving guide is called, it’s real! For thousands of years, upon doing the research, it will be found that humans referred to this spirit called ‘god’ as a female-mother god, goddess, or godliness. Only when man started to organize religions did he decide to name it after him as a male, or ‘father in the sky’. Truth is, the evolved individual and collective humans will see that this ‘god’ is really transgender, or both male and female. See yourself as the best of male and the best of female combined, maybe with a little more emphasis on the female and life on the planet will take a great leap. Time to ‘pole vault’ to the highest expression of the superconscious human!  Time to come out of the closet! NOW!!
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