Doofus or Freewill?
August 3, 2016
Your brain has a digestive tract. Everyone has an alimentary tract or canal, also called digestive tract, a pathway by which food enters the body and solid wastes are expelled. The alimentary canal includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. Your brain’s and heart’s comfort or uncomfortable mental or emotional food, meaning both information personal or impersonal, can effect the physical happenings in the body. So it’s you who is personally in charge of the input and output. Somehow, you’re here with what’s happened prior. Feel blessed that there is still time left to make choices where you can, like no other form of life on the planet.
Why pick a fight with yourself that life is not what you deserved…so far! It’s never time to disconnect from the opportunities that lay unconsidered right in front of you. As the body, flushes out what it is fed, while leaving behind the minuscule effects of what’s consumed, time builds silently a cellular structure reflecting whether what was consumed, was unhealthy to healthy, and it’s consequences. Such is the case with the mind and heart also which, over time, has a symbiotic relationship with what you consume in physical food.
Food is a medicine, be it in one form or another. Every form of your existence is best served by the nutritional or positive intake as well as the inverse doing its slow harm. To use today’s lingo, it’s always time to ‘download’ what is the best choice for the highest you… and then ‘upload it’! Recirculating the same old, same old bad habits, what ever they may be, creates a darkness where lightness of being cannot grow. It’s really exciting to know as well as empowering to know this as it means you are not condemned to suffer anything from the past by using your intent of ‘freewill’ to walk a new path to a healthier you, if you missed that path thus far in life.
Right quality of eating, sleeping, exercising, habits, and breathing all serve to part the clouds under which you might be living. Each of these things impact how your ‘genes’ express themselves. Life and it’s quality of love for the self is hidden in plain sight for everyone to activate at every moment even when the challenges of existence seem darkest. Always be focused on lightening the load of bad habits and replacing them with the highest choices available.
Why live like you’re denying being a bit of a doofus that lives in a questionable blissful ignorance of the world’s opportunities? Write the best script, step by step for the ensuing moments, and the negatives will automatically slowly exit all of life’s alimentary canals! Time to live in the moment and scrub any negatives of the past. Life is always willing to blossom with you!