Looking for Love

Looking for Love
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April 23, 2016
You can’t see love if you’re looking for it! Being ready with an open mind, heart and eyes is to be ready and receptive. Do you have what love wants, a total, unconditional receptivity? Projecting love on another who isn’t projecting it on you is to shine a flashlight during the day time – futile! The light must be just right – dark! Then what you have preconceived notions of seeing will not be there necessarily if it’s invisible. The light must be on within you to both give and receive with all your mind and heart. 

Can you be honest with yourself to see if you are in full consciousness for conscious love, or are you still struggling with your ups and downs of wondering if you are qualified to be and have the love within to make that connection? Love is an invisible vibration that fills the receiving, giving soul with an energy that reaches the plateau of an endless love that keeps filling itself through all life’s moments. You can’t grow in love if you only tread water. 

Love unfulfilled within you will manifest itself either from a barren desert to a climate of changing weather that shape shifts its mind at any moment with no dependability other than its undependability. Love isn’t a lottery that you win by chance, in fact the odds, like the lottery where you spend as much as you win, are slim to none that without a deep   love within that you’ll ever get more than a mixture of fear, anger, negativity mixed with some semblance of love. ‘Love’s Cocktail’ is a self chosen ‘bobby prize’ for self imposing limitations on the love within.

Only the open mind and heart can be ready to listen to something that goes against it. The closed mind can listen only to that which supports it and that is the denial that you are the holder of all the love you’ll ever need, but yet locked within the darkness of a closed mind. Love in the heart is always hidden behind the rocks of the mind. The health benefits of active, pure love void of ‘impediments’ needs to be extolled as natures hidden secret in broad daylight for a more blissful, productive life. Your life is like a library, spend silent time within it imbibing the ‘secret’ treasures within. Love is the fountain of youth!

Epictetus (A.D. c. 55 – 135) could be the “father” of a specific phrase: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” You can open to love by having the courage of letting go of all the rocks of the past holding you down. Start giving more with no expectations of return and receive from the heart. To give meditating is to expect nothing while the heart opens to receive involuntarily. 
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