Bit by Love Bug

Bit by Love Bug

  April 21, 2015
The real ‘you’ is reached through love! If you reach to total love you have opened the mystery to who you really are! Everything is an illusion, but love within you. Love has many degrees like luke warm water to boiling water. Love is love, just the depth varies from shallow to deep. A total surrender into love, regardless of reciprocity, (although that will help), opens up a permanent love connection within beyond your body. Everything moves, only love is permanent or eternal. Becoming loving, and you become real. Be in total love, and you will find the real you. Love is the only truth!
The spiritual path to your soul is through the door of love. Something in you is stationary or unmoving. When you walk, something inside you never walks. That is your soul, your being. What ever you are doing from sleeping to engaging in any activity that unmoving thing in you, is you. That which never moves within you can be called many things from the Kingdom of God, soul, essence, or whatsoever. 
Become more loving, and you move closer to your soul, making love the closeness to your being. This is the reason why everyone wants more love because it brings you closer to your being. Love grounds you, and you feel rooted.  Always be opening to more love. Allow others to love you, and put up no barriers. Be soft and vulnerable. Putting up blocks is to move away from  who you are. Your ego feels more powerful when you control the barriers to love. Accept love, and you the ego becomes powerless. 
Always remember that love is the way to the realness of you, and the outreach to the world of communication and compassion. You become the ‘witnessing’ in whatever you do. The witness doesn’t do anything but just sees, whether it is exercising, eating, making love with your partner, etc. When you become angry the witness is there as pure consciousness. 
Ignoring love for chasing ‘dreams’ is to make you into a ‘desire sheeple or zombie’ with no connection to your essence or soul. Living a teflon life looking for self ‘treats’ is to squirrel away life’s real jewels of love. The love tank ultimately appears empty for those who harden the connection by focusing on the outer distractions at the expense of the inner blessings. Make yourself be bitten by the love bug within by opening your heart!


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