Relationshits Love

Relationshits Love

March 31, 2015
In my experience, deep love expression, beyond a ‘feeling byte’ here and there is non existent. Real, deep love is available for a very few who are ready. What’s ready? Ready is being able to let go and submit in trust to another. Hopefully they can do the same. Odds are they won’t! For two to connect who bring no negative luggage to the bonding, and submit to each other is akin to a miracle, or as I saw the other day, a black couple giving birth to a white baby! Another example of near impossibility would be on a basketball court to have 10 tries to make one basket – from the opposite foul line clear across court!
Whatcha going to do for me, is love’s song today for many couples. The real ‘endowment’ of love expects nothing, and is in total immersion with the other. Fear and lack of deep trust is a shadow that follows nearly all into marriage and coupling. That ‘darkness’ is the ‘briars on the rose bush’, or more appropriately the stickers on the blackberry vines, and when the blackberries are past their prime. 
Love in the bushes of fear and irregular sincerity is like a novice swimmer diving into the ocean, or swimming in a  Florida river with the ‘gators’. Anyone who looks to play professional sports spends years preparing, and not thinking they are just going to make it naturally. Of course, there are  rare exceptions who have little preparation to do, as in love. That ‘little preparation’ possibility comes from a divine childhood of love and respect with freedom of expression. Few have parents that have the time or knowhow to love like a child deserves. Doesn’t mean anyone won’t be successful in their career of choice, but the career of love is far more important and without it the material wears thin.
Scattered love moments alternating with apathy, quarrelsomeness, love that is only a word with fragile meanings is not ‘cutting the mustard’! Buying your way to love is a popular technique in this society where happiness becomes a bubble that is here today and gone tomorrow. Time for another gift. Love is not a comet that ricochets from mediocrity to sincerity that comes and goes like the erratic weather in a blustery Winter to Spring’s March. 
Why let love become a mystery or something you were told exists but ordinarily you experience a lot less? Let the story of your life be filled with a story of love, or do the best you can with it. Give love and you will receive love. When love flows through both all the time, you have become love divine blessed!  

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