Dumb Like a Fox
November 6, 2014
I’ve never met a dumb person, or a smart person who didn’t have a dumb side, including myself! It’s dumb to let the fox guard the chickens, or the ego to guard the loving, aware person that you really are! WE are all ‘dumb’ about knowledge of many things. Some are smart on knowledge of many things, but still dumb on most knowledge of infinite matters. Smart with more knowledge than many is wonderful, but what good is it to have those proclivities or riches, and to not have the riches within?
In Great Britain, men of ego participate in the sport of ‘fox hunting’ on horseback with multiple dogs leading the way as the fox uses his ‘sly skills’ to stay ahead of them and survive. Something seems dumb about chasing a fox on a horse anyway! The ‘new child/man’ plays the game on the computer. Seems safer, and you can chow down on snacks while chasing the fox on the screen.
The ‘human fox’ is he who thinks he can fool others for his own desires, at work, with neighbors, spouse, gambling, the law, or mostly themselves! Being clever with yourself and others is to be out of balance inside yourself, and sadly perpetuating it endlessly while wondering why life plays so many ‘dirty tricks’ on you.
Dumb like a fox on some level is to think you can gain by deception and cunningness. I think of the corporate world while I was employed primarily in NY, but for a short time in Dallas, Texas. Dallas was wonderful, but I was able to see ‘the good ole boy who played dumb, but it was merely a clever disguise especially in connection with the Eastern Yankee who is more proper wearing intelligence obviously. The ‘dumb fox’ used the method to trick the ‘smarty from the North East’ by making him think he was dealing with a fool. Often the Texas fox walked off with the prize – of course he will encounter ‘adjustments’ if he goes to NY!
We are all a balance of female and male as we obviously came from both parents. Some form of neglect, lack of early love, trauma, or a general negative culture ‘skews’ one to be off balance. Uncorrected, you ‘side step’ or avoid ‘balance’ to move through life. People are frequently known to be a nice person, but often it’s a coverup of what is not considered such. Human being have the only potential to be ‘godly’ or to move through life from the highest love and consciousness. ‘Being human’ is to be a ‘human being’ which is a material manifestation of what some call God, or better said, ‘godlike’. The secret lies in the stillness of the breath meeting the empty, aware mind.