Cracking the Love Barrier
October 18, 2014
Love doesn’t end! Fear of letting go of love is not loving yourself – at least enough. The ‘spiritual journey’ is moving into love, and ultimately filling your being. Love is no less great at the ‘end’, and important for the transition. All love has an end in the world of life in the body, but the spirit is forever evolving, or not depending on your journey into love.
Rare are those who die with the enlightenment of love within. However, these days the word ‘enlightenment’ has taken on a mental ego’s claim by those who mentally think too much of themselves, but have little deep emotional manifestation where the mind is of a little factor.
Love is ‘sparked’ by many ways from your pet dog, to a favorite food, an activity, someone you particularly like, etc. Like a plane ‘breaking the sound barrier’, the plane has to be built for conditions that if not built with the greatest expertise, will tear apart as it approaches the speed of sound rather that if ‘ready’ it moves in silence and smoothly. The likeness happens in love. If you are not completely emotionally centered with no unresolved issues (like weak plane parts), love will crack into a mixture of negatives that emulate some forms of fear. When coupling with another as ‘one’, it now must be a fine tuning of balance with both to break the ‘common love barrier’.
A complete communication on an emotional surrender level where the ‘I’ has disappeared is the energy that moves love beyond the door of conditional or mood generated. Biological pleasure can be bought with another. A deep love dimension is a sacred explosion of the heart, mind, body and soul and can never be bought, or had with love mixed with negativity.
The flight of the soul beyond time and space is only possible when you are constructed for the journey beyond the love that’s commonly referred to on its many levels. A car designed for maximum speed on land will never break the ‘sound barrier’. Likewise, like a plane designed to handle moving through the universe’s space faster than the speed of light and sound, ultimate love only comes when all facets of you are ready either through mediation or through love with another.
Anything will do for love that also dips into everything but love, and really is a fear based self hatred. The ‘other’ is like a plane with you as the pilot. Both have to be at their ultimate readiness for cracking the barriers into a deep spiritual, cosmic love. Groveling in love, that has it’s ups and downs, may get you from one day to the next but never beyond the common experience of from poor to good. Set your sights as high as possible, while letting go, to soar above all limitations for a love that merges with the godliness of the universe. You are the pilot and the vessel for love.