Guarded Angels


Guarded Angels
 February 5, 2014
People are all but rarely, emotional cripples who find comfort in not using courage to step out of their comfort zone to be vulnerable beyond a certain ‘safe space’ that they’ve become addicted to from the past. We are all potential angels in human form. A guardian angel is an angel assigned to protect and guide a particular person or group. A ‘guarded angel’ is a person who fears stepping outside of their comfort zone.  Most people are ‘receivers and not givers’ or more appropriately said, takers or givers who expect a ‘return on the giving’.

Your consciousness is a guardian angel to set you on a path of love and compassion. The ‘guarded angel’ is you that doesn’t reach inside to reach your spirit of love and life. All but a few in this moment of ‘enlightenment’, have covered their emotions and spirit for anyone including yourself to realize and experience. I often have told others that you know when you have let go of your ‘guards’ when you can’t imagine a higher experience than having a love affair with someone exactly with your inner love and openness, who of course you are attracted to in other ways and under the right circumstances. Time to rise above just ‘drifting in memories’.

The spiritual path of love is fraught with carcasses on the roadside of ‘lost souls’. It’s never too late to pick up your spirit and courage to find your illumined self. Today, particularly in the Western or more developed countries, is a perfect moment to find ways to meditate and/or have a deep love bonding and synchronicity with a soul mating. That experience into a ‘divine juxtaposition’ of energies into one spirit full of light into yourselves and others is godliness. You will be part of bringing light into the world that has faced too much darkness. A high spiritual love of coupling is earth changing, and will make angels smile to have friends in the human body.

Guardian Angels coming together shift life to a higher consciousness. The energy may be invisible to people you don’t even know, but many will be lighted in their paths that they may have been struggling with. Energy can be magic, even prayerful. Let the dance of angelic bliss be the light that guides you throughout this life into the next. The world will not change through just the mind. A new consciousness, and a new humanity is possible in the moment. The fire of love of two into one will be enough to set the world on a fire of love. See nothing less, and let the energy do its possibilities. All you have to do is focus on ‘self love’ be it through meditation or the resonance of love with another open soul. Love is precocious for inspiring love everywhere! Courage to let go of who you think you are is a key to instant bliss, and the ‘natural way’ with the ‘side effects’ of joy, and inability to settle for less!

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