Hate to Love
Love and hate come at different levels or degrees. The polarities go from light to the other extreme of deep or total. The question arises, is love possible while one carries some form of hatred inside them? The answer is yes, but the greater the hate, in it?s many forms such as hurt, depression, self criticism, lack of love, anger, fears, etc., the more affected the ability to love unselfishly. Untainted love is like an energy that is as clear as a warm cloudless day and star filled night.
One?s ability to love deeply is obstructed by unresolved issues with events of the past, often from childhood that have not been detached from. Some have few if any ?traumas? from earlier days, and consequently have a more consistent ability for deep love, and to see things from an
energy uncovered with the clouds of negative energy. Life is one of ?karma?s? or consequences following us as time goes on. One with lots of love in a childhood unmarred by enduring memories of negativity is blessed with an opportunity to continue those experiences.
The good news for all, is that in the deep layers of the authentic self, the same reservoir of love is available. Even if those carrying negative energy have to use greater awareness and openness of finding ways to access that pool of energy, which some find easy, but may even take for granted, and not tap into it as much as the unfortunate who lets go of the clouds of misery that handicap love?s blossoming.
Meditation, awareness, and right thinking that includes using discernment of best options for all thoughts and actions increases the ability for love to break through as strong or stronger than one?s counterpart who doesn?t give much energy to the gift of love given.
Everyone has the same access within to the love that?s in the air, as it individualizes, and enters each through being in the moment and channeling in the breath of love that is always in the air. Love exudes a deeper breath which if need be can be funneled in by meditating techniques to fill the heart while pushing out unwanted energy. Hate in any form is a toxin to love?s feelings. The more love energy possessed, the less is the ability for any form of negative energy to possess you. To be free, is to feel love at any point in life, where negativities are always an opportunity to convert to positive energy. Love is freedom. As a cloud rains in the clearing skies, a rainbow of love always appears. Arhata