Healthiness of Porn

Healthiness of Porn

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September 21, 2010
Everything has at least two sides, often for good or bad. Whenever something comes out in the open, great changes happen! Humans are very sexual beings and a repression of it leaks into all spaces of society in undesirable ways. Always consciousness as well as compassion for others is a guideline. Consciousness ju jitsuing with unconsciousness, hopefully, leads to healthy choices.

The world will be a beautiful world if we can get rid of the ancient religions and the way politicians continue to rule with not enough regulated accountability. These are the people who are not allowing humanity to live naturally and totally.

Pornography can help by finally bringing sex more and more out into the open as is happening in the western world, but is highly censored in the east. People need to feel open about communication without holding anything back because of prejudices and condemnations. It’s healthy for people to talk more about the naturalness of sexual interests. People need to be more open to strangers (aka neighbors), and be more open to gestures of lovingness, like hugging.

Why be interested in less than the real thing much like food.  Who wants to look at pictures of food to satisfy their appetite. Looking at pictures or videos of porno, beyond a glimpse here and there, can become an unhealthy denigration and downsizing of the love that is our gift as humans. Only a fool finds nourishment in pictures of foods as well as being a peeping tom on pictures of others sexual enjoyment while not participating in healthy sensual adventures. However, there is nothing wrong with the enjoyment of viewing pictures, and is within the law. It’s just not very social and giving to another as well as oneself.

Pornography can be of great help — it will help you to get rid of your religions that avoid all natural biological, emotional, and spiritual recognition of the healthiness of all sensuality.  Pornography alone won’t be much of an inner growth. You will have to seek, inquire, into your sexual and love energy far more deeply. You will have to travel into the mysteries of your undiscovered self. “Wherever the gift of love is in action, we will always experience on a spiritual level because love itself is Spirit, and if we touch the spiritual then our experience will always be of a deeper and richer, more fulfilling and satisfying nature. Anything of true love and the Spirit will cause us to soar to a higher spiritual level than anything that is merely of the flesh.”

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