Porn Kills of Love

Porn Kills Love
Porn Kills Love by Ravensblood
September 13, 2010
All over the world, people (mostly males) have a new love affair, or lust affair, with ‘cyber sex’. Idolatry is worshipping an idol or icon. Holy books to some have become ‘idolatry’. The new form of it is ‘porno addiction’ or more bluntly men’s thirst for genital excitement with any form of visual sex, which the internet is filled with. IT HAS BECOME A FORM OF IDOLATRY!

In a sense, it’s misogyny, or the hatred of women which translates to mean the inability to really love a female beyond a lustful need of carnal satisfaction. Of course the opposite would be the female hatred of men (which is somewhat more understandable given the havoc they have caused time immemorial) called ‘misandry’. Porn can be a replacement for hatred of the object giving pleasure and a way of illustrating an inability to demonstrate real heartfelt love.

Billions collectively have not recognized that sex with love is god’s (nature’s) opportunity to rise you into an awareness of love in the heart eternally that isn’t even seen as possible, let alone suggesting it. Deep love transcends all pornography into a meditative stillness where two become one and all else disappears into a state of non relevance. Deep love has the quality of making one lose most of the appetite for the substitute of porn lust.

Having experienced this deep love, and later been exposed to those who made money by ‘selling’ porn, I have seen the polarities of both sides.  In my Venice Beach Spiritual Center and community (LA), many passed through including the ‘king of porn’ – Ron Jeremy who use to visit one of Europe’s famous (?) porn stars, Sasha Gabor, who lived within the Yesss Community for over a year. Although a small percentage of several thousand occupants over many years, those involved with porn did leave behind an indelible education into what it’s professional participants were like. Clearly all of them used ‘superficial sex’ to cover up unresolved fear and hatred issues that blocked the ability to have sustaining, growing love.

Tweaking curiosity in a way that is sensitive to others, as well as oneself, is natural, but the mysteries of experiencing the energy of love cleansing the whole being is a healthy, wholistic ‘heaven on earth’.

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