Viagra Love Bullshit
May 28, 2010
Love between a couple has nothing to do with snake oil ‘miracle grow’ Viagra’s, more than it does with putting K-Y jelly on the end of the tongue! All ‘lovey dovey’ soap ads to indicate that one ‘‘always needs to be ready” are created for Madison Avenue advertising agencies to make money for them, ‘Big Pharma, TV conglomerates, and on down the line to the impotent minded male. NOTHING to do with love!
All the brains in the world will never create a pill that will give love an ‘erection’! Love, as are most ‘erections’, are already there but for pulling it out of the moth balls of ignoring and denial. Love needs ‘self medicating’ and with no pills but air, letting go and opening the mind and heart. ‘Biological love’ keeps the species going in all life but the love on an emotional and spiritual level needs releasing of all blocks rolling around in back of the mind to be unattached to for the ‘full erection of love’. There are no ‘lasting’ shortcuts that can be created in a laboratory.
Use of ‘Viagra’ is just another way for most to dodge the responsibility to move and grow beyond their biological desires. Because one once was at an earlier time in love with a partner, proving it again and again with an erection that needs medical expertise to acquire for fears of ‘repercussions’ that could be fatal, is a serious misuse of intelligence. Love in the heart and ‘sensitivity’ is a natural ‘viagra’ that is free, and ‘safe’! Men have enough problems controlling their lower brain let alone to be trusted with ‘increased sexual desires’ and questionable communication skills with their purported ‘monogamous’ partnership!
Love is stimulated by those who love themselves or are focused on growing into that space, and being with someone ‘likewise’. Being sensitively open with oneself and another on all personal subjects and taking full responsibility for all actions, is a ‘closer on the growth of love’. Individuality is secondary to a merger creating a ‘co-individuality’ of an ‘us or we’ that allows the others mind, emotions, and spirit to be in each other. In this merger of beings, a love opens, arises and flourishes forever within regardless of the length of the physical connection. Love is far beyond the physical, and no doctors permission is necessary!