May 6- 2009
A ‘douche bag’ is someone who surreptitiously, drops a banana peel on the dance floor in the middle of a wedding party celebration to display his anger at ‘love’s delight’! Douche bag’s love attention and, are capable of any kind of abuse and vomit from their unresolved issues.
I have had the pleasure (?) of even meeting purportedly ‘enlightened douche bags’ who throw their banana peels at everyone after gorging themselves on the ‘self serving banana’. The highest curse is the ‘male ego’ that declares himself the priest, pope or enlightened being while sweeping the ‘dirt under the rug’. These are ‘used car salesmen’ posing in front of ‘someone else’s Lamborghini to fulfill their scam on the innocent – the ‘douche bag orgy Director’, with the banana peels.
Douche bags are normally men however, there is no patent on this ‘mistake of nature’. Lovers and ‘marrieds’ often began with world class charm to cover up the nightmare that lurks underneath but, needs time to germinate and, after the flowers are gone! Real love germinates from a seed and continues to be better and better and, not the other was around – presto ‘love, bliss and flowers’ then, banana peels!?
Trapped in the web of the douche bag, allowing them to spin their agenda much as does the vampire in the night. This ‘misfit’ drinks the blood of thinking that they are always the last word and the other is an expendable carcass. Their ‘candy for-the-lure’ is all words and cheap thrills to enchant others before they move on to fresh victims.
Self love and love of others has the same reward as the sun that always appears daily to warm the hearts of life. The ‘safe deposit box of love’ needs your key, hidden in plain sight for those that live in compassion and awareness. Recycle banana peels!