
Escape from Love

(friends in my NYC apartment)

August 19, 2023

There is no escape from love! There is rarely an escape from hate.  Hate is a swamp that cannot be released from, but from opening the heart of love. Love doesn’t want to spend time in the ‘swamp of hate’. The ‘shadow of hate’ is like an unresolved hell that feeds on itself perpetually. Who’s going to make ‘hate’ go away? One could say belief in Jesus, but ‘belief is only hope for the mystery and elusiveness of love as the ‘real savior’. Having faith in the belief of either, and with an open heart and mind, they shall become an endless friend through life.

A dry drunk is someone who has become addicted to a substance that becomes a shadow of need. Does a person who stops the bad habit, cured, or have they created an illusion? What or who created the nasty addiction? Let’s start and end with unresolved issues that amount to some form of hatred toward another, others, and ultimately an addiction to the dark energy within. That dark energy is a prison from love of self.

However, in that prison from love is the key! The key depends on being a self locksmith. The mind is a start but unless lubricated enough by something, it will leave one as a ‘dry drunk’ never really escaping except in the controlled mind that never has enough air. So is more air the answer? Maybe breathing more might help? There is a song, ‘Love is in the Air’! Maybe that’s where it is. Maybe the air is the source of love, or at least the right use of air? Well of course, it is the source of everything for life, especially love.

Love in the mind is a crippled love, but nevertheless a start. The key to love is in the heart – the real, full, lubricated key. Easy to not find in the ‘myopic mind’ that holds on to unresolved ‘demons of the dark’, but the ‘breath of life’ that is within to spring loose the breath of love. Breathing more air into the mind and heart can open a flowing heart which, once opened entirely, cannot be escaped from! And, that’s a good thing even if the love doesn’t stop when the object of it is but a memory of lost love. Love is never lost, but always remains a beautiful memory especially for one who lives with an open, clear heart! Time is now to chase all the obstacles to that away. Some call it using the ‘key of meditation’ to unlock the love in the air that’s waiting in your heart! You and only you control your mind and heart. Balanced … it’s your best friend! 


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