
Consciousness Lost

October 6, 2023

Is Paradise Lost?…    

Mental paralysis seems to be a common condition today. ‘Consciousness lost’ is never ‘lost’ because if it’s found itself, it can’t be lost. Consciousness is a quality of being. It reminds me of the book, ‘Paradise Lost’ that’s an epic poem by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. To be in consciousness or in a high state of being is a ‘paradise’ within even if a little rain falls from time to time to keep things in a yin and yang, or a kind of reciprocity to deepen awareness.

Going to the ‘lost and found’ expecting results is like hoping the ‘good fairy will come’. Miracle of miracles, she did for the ‘innocent’ child. Adults have to wake up and see that the ‘ good fairy’ is within them. That fairy could be called the ‘angel within’, and one in the future to be sure it doesn’t become a fallen angel. 

Symptomatic of the illnesses that ex President Trump has fostered is when he said ‘Drain the Swamp’. I doubt that he would have thought that the public swamping of the uninformed and apathetic in unconsciousness would have come out of the mental sewers like goblins to attack him and everything and everyone aligned with the movement to awaken to the dumbing down of the people that is going on

I stopped voting when about 30 in NYC not even realizing that my, or anyones vote for the President and politician, didn’t frequently count since it’s now revealed that many politicians are just selected while the populace think their vote counts.The ‘fix that’s in’ needs to be killed in favor of actual, truthful elections. Democracy has also become a Demonocracy! The citizens contributing to the ‘swamp’ are both consisting of intellectuals and just uninformed pied piper followers of no critical, informative thought. ‘Acedia’ is the hidden ‘8th Deadly Sin’, which equates to ‘apathy’, and is the demon infiltrating 10’s of millions of minds from waking up to a higher consciousness. 

Solution? Some things are impervious to the word. Predicaments often have no solutions, but are best managed (for example, getting older has no ‘fix it’ solution, but to manage the journey). Meditation to clear the mind of negative parasitic thoughts enlightens the individual and collective (for the collective, it’s ‘moving toward a more enlightening consciousness’), AND that can happen as well as ‘has to’ for the survival of the ‘human animal’ becoming a ‘being human’ to make a ‘human being human’.

The daily miracle of life is insanely good. Simply click a mouse button on the computer and a day or two later the big, brown truck of happiness rolls up your driveway delivering goodies! Be beyond the walls of doubt for you are really a shining star of life and love! Trust yourself and act accordingly making the best decisions of those available.  

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