
Load Your Dice

April 19, 2023

‘Load the dice’ for your life. Loading the dice is to make an outcome highly probable; predetermine a result.

Certainly common sense tells each of us to make the best, positive choices in life to keep it ‘upward and onward’ for a life worth living that includes helping others in that too. Today of course, that definitely includes cities, states, and countries, 
The world is all quite perfect for what’s gone on. It may seem to be very dystopian or ‘messed up’. I had a thought the other day that maybe it got a jump start in that more visible recent ‘discombobulation’ with the absurd idea that it’s because of all the tattoo’s and body alterations? Then again how about legalization of pot. Maybe it’s Ai messing with most everyone’s head? However, I think a lot of it is that most are stuck on piddling away time watching TV. Think of all the people who spend hours watching sports, and other things on TV
The world is moving ahead and people are living in the past seemingly aloof at what’s going on. Then comes this whole 3 year ‘virus’ in 2,000.There are so many things contributing. I have a strong suspicion that schools are a major problem. Religion needs an extreme makeover also to tune into the times…much of the Bible is godly while some of it seems ‘God asleep’ or at least the interpretations.
Basically two animal steps need to be used more: Awareness and discernment. The majority gives those two steps little attention – now someone playing a ‘sport’ does while playing for sure. How about in life? We are here to make the best of opportunities, but we have choices and don’t have too. That’s negative freedom. Then too, we got a laziness problem and little attention to ‘values’. I used to always tell my meditation groups in Venice that when the ‘lights come on’ after 2000, there will initially be chaos and darkness. It’s here, and is what had to happen for a higher consciousness on the planet. All the tools for everyone are here now and free!
Stay out of the collective apathetic, uninformed mind. Be an individual! In the beginning you will have to face chaos. Great trust will be needed. Otherwise you can get out of the collective mind and you may not get into the individual mind, then you will be mad. That’s the risk. Without trust, moving into meditation is risky. 
The more aware you become, the less you are conscious of the awareness, of course. Consciousness of awareness is a strain initially. You start learning to drive a car. You have to manage much – the wheel, the gear, the clutch, the accelerator, the brake, the road.  One has to be very conscious because so many things have to be managed together. One day you simply go on driving. You can talk to a friend, listen to the radio, sing a song, no problem. Now driving has become a spontaneous thing. You know it, so there is no need to be self-conscious about it. Walk yourself through life with eyes and heart open.
Remain adjusted with society. But if you are really ready to go on a great adventure, then trust, and wait for chaos. 
The same happens when you meditate. In the beginning you have to be conscious about consciousness. It brings a strain, a tiredness. By and by, as consciousness grows, there is no need to be conscious about it. It goes on flowing on its own, like breathing. You need not be conscious about it, it goes on its own. 

Awareness has to become so natural… Only then is it possible that even while you are asleep, the light of awareness continues burning. And the last thing about the question: “Immense trust in you is there in the face of this loss of rational understanding.” Rational understanding is not understanding at all. It is a misnomer. 

Through reason one never understands anything. Reason is a lie. It gives you a false feeling that yes, you have understood. Only through experience does one understand, only through existential experience 
is understanding possible.

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