Mountain of Love

Mountain of Love?
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July 30, 2-19

There’s a famous hit song, called, ‘I Will Survive’. Surviving is the first step. The next step is to move to the higher steps to make life all it can be as long as you’re a member of earth time. The highest place in life is that within your reach no matter what position you are in life. 

The mind of clarity, carrying no attachment to negative self judgements, especially those perceived as being from others, is the road to not only higher places within, but one of a growing self love and comfort within. All the animals of the world, are not judging you, only you and those humans who have forgotten to look at themselves first, and at the same time, fail to find the empathy within to see you in the best light. 

Let go of agendas and crutches you’ve used in the past to help you move along. It’s now time to throw the crutches away and use what you’ve learned from their uses, in order to enable you to  move with the positive, calming silence within. The test of life is to break away from all that  which got you to where you are, and learn to walk with love inside yourself, for life is mostly about manifesting love, first within and then being stronger in outer expressions of it. Life is over as you knew it. Keep the positive memories. Detach from the negative while not letting go of the lessons learned from them. 

It’s a new time for a new script to begin seeing who you really are. Words are valuable, but one needs to travel through life best without them as crutches, but from the imprinting for best behavior that they gifted to each of us. Why be stuck with the crutches of yesteryear, when they are but a silent crutch unto themselves. Be me and be free. ‘The word’ is really the sound of silence where bliss and joy await, free of the shackles of words. Higher communication is with the beyond and the qualities that flow from within. You are the reflection of God. Put into other ‘words’, the openness of the love within. Allow that to be the silence of knowing who you really are, and the you really deep down inside.  

Try and fail, but don’t fail to try. Never think hard about the past, It brings tears. Don’t think more about the future, it brings fears. Live this moment with a smile, it brings cheers…


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