Don’t knock it ’til you try it! It really is a great way to cover up ‘things’ that one doesn’t feel like dealing with. Might be a ‘gateway’ to heaven!? Some claim it makes their day better, better sex, sharper mind, better appetite, better journey to opening the heart, etc. Ask any pot smoker for all the advantages and benefits. Ever feel like relaxing and just being lazy, smoke a good joint. I’ve met old guys hanging out on the Venice boardwalk who claim to have been smoking regularly since a teen, and have been hanging out since (yikes!).
Can’t find anything wrong with a little relaxation here and there. The steady user unfortunately has one problem with all it’s virtues that is perceived. That’s ‘denial’, specifically denial of it’s negative effects. These are just a few: Feelings of panic and fear (paranoia); Hallucinations; Trouble concentrating; Decreased ability to perform tasks that require coordination; Decreased interest in completing tasks. When coming down from the high, users may feel depressed or extremely tired. While marijuana use produces a mellow experience (users are sometimes referred to as “stoners”) for some, it can heighten agitation, anxiety, insomnia and irritability. Like alcohol, marijuana can impede motor coordination and slow reaction times. Heavy abusers of marijuana have been found to suffer damage to social life, work or career status and cognitive ability. Schoolwork and the achievement of goals were also found to suffer.
Since my life focus has been on the love and meditation path to self realization, I’ve found the natural high or inner bliss is attained through deep love and/or meditation. Grow your own marijuana within you! Drugs are capable of giving you a hallucinatory experience beyond the mundane world. That is the experience that is being searched through meditation. Drugs are spiritual, but for a false experience. Meditation gives you the real experience rather than the temporary hallucinatory one that drugs do. I am against drugs, but at the same time feel that they can all be legalized with adequate rules, education, and rehabilitation which includes instruction on Yoga and forms of meditation.
‘Drugging society’ benefits few but those whose agenda is as entitled ‘gatekeepers’, who with advancing technological, and pharmaceutical developments are heading toward a ‘complete takeover of human thought’. In ordinary life, people seek a quick fix for anxiety, depression, and every fear imaginable. This will eventually create a mass suicide of freedom of thought and action, or a ‘stoning of people’ into reliable, near machines. Love will become a biological thing where people serve the elite ‘pimp controllers’ for their satisfaction and greed. Commit to getting high on life – it works!