Sacred YESSS Answer
January 2, 2017
Huh? What’s the question? Maybe it’s, ‘how can I be more positive, aware, loving, compassionate, realistic, use common sense, and a lot more that will make life work better for me!?’ Life is simple, unless it gets complicated! When I started in corporate sales in NY, I read all kinds of sales ‘secrets’ books, and in addition to the corporation giving a half million dollar sales incentive seminar nationwide. Two words of sales ‘skills’ stood out – one was ‘KISS’…
The word KISS is an abbreviated word for, ‘keep it simple stupid’. That is good advise for all walks of life where things are never as complicated as they may seem. The shortest distance between two points is usually a straight line, in other words the ‘simplest’ solution.
A few short years later, I came upon a ‘mystic’ from India who suggested a simple ‘meditation’ to use during all waking hours called the ‘Sacred Yes’ where you say ‘yes’ to everything without ignoring the negative. ‘Sacred’ is revered, important, holy, and spiritual. Later, I met and became acquainted with America’s most popular basketball announcer, Marv Albert. Marv, in addition to being a very positive guy, was well known for saying ‘yesss’ with real enthusiasm when someone made a timely or unusual basket.
In sales, I always leaned to seek the one person who could say, ‘yes’ as anyone could say only no for new business.
Most everything, even that which you would normally say no to, can be met with the affirmative ‘yes’. Often it will take a little practice on how to convert a normal ‘no’ into a ‘yesss’. The exercise will convert a prior attitude into a more positive one. A no or negative always has a door to open, with thought, to a hidden yes that wants to come out. Of course, if a ‘yesss’ isn’t appropriate, open or forthcoming, you can always say, ‘yes I understand’. All positives are a yes, be they freedom, happiness, smiling, joy, love, on and on.
Always seek to clear the shrapnel or log jams of the mind and heart to open your feelings and seeings to a ‘yes’. For most it’s easiest to see the dark side of things, reasons not to, procrastination, and all kinds of ‘no’s’. Get free of the negative, and always climb to the highest possibility even in the darkest times. Remember, love is the only thing that will conquer all hate, fears, and negativities. You always have the ‘sunshine in your pocket! Just say, ‘YESSS’!