April 18, 2016
Life just might be ‘one big hoodwink’, deception, and bamboozlement! Currently, we have a primary political race in this democracy showcase for the world, yet we have states where only a select few handfuls get to vote, AND it gets justified! Bamboozled, and ‘mind tricks’! What good does all the college education do when you become ‘sheeple’ to be herded by the so called ‘entitled’? Bamboozled and disingenuous! Start paying attention to what’s really happening and what’s a deception.
Clearly politics is about being subject to being bamboozled! Religions are so filled with good, not so good, and myths for those who need to grasp a handle on a way to an alleged Heaven … or is it a bamboozlement? Are incidents that support or sell going to war, like Iraq, a bamboozling of the masses with slogans like ‘support our troops’, which isn’t meant to primarily support them coming home alive immediately, but to kill for the military industrial complex to support the US economy.
‘’The most dangerous person in the world knows that vast majority of human beings are hopelessly addicted to deception. They know that this is the primary reason for the bleak state of the world. They are acutely aware that the addiction to deception is, in fact, the primordial deception invariably found at the roots of all the other addictions. They know that, as long as the masses are slaves to this particular addiction and therefore to the many other well-known addictions which plague humankind, the challenge of transforming the planetary civilization into an enlightened and peaceful one remains exceedingly elusive and quite daunting.’’
As far as we know for sure, now is the most intriguing and opportune time since earth was first occupied millions of years ago to be ‘godlike’. Wherever you are in life, it makes sense to be free of inner bamboozlement’s and bewilderments of being trapped in just primitive survival when all the aids imaginable are available to rise in consciousness for an enjoyable loving life. Being ‘self trapped’ in clinging to a small uncomfortable world just because it’s familiar is to be self bamboozled with feeding unconsciousness, denial, fear, and lack of following the positive hopes available. You set your own traps and it’s you who need to let go of all restraints whatever form they may come in.
Know when to stay where it feels right, and yet when to ‘move on’ instead of playing the same ole song! You are in your youth if you accept that in your mind regardless that the outer ages, and even less so if you heal what needs to be healed. Find the freedom and love of existence’s many blessings. Let the mind that mires you in the mud, pass away so you can be free. You are a mirror to who you are being! Be friendly and life will mirror friendliness!