IQ & Reality
November 16, 2015
If dreams are big enough…. then facts don’t count!!! Something about IQ’s that just doesn’t fit reality. In a sense, it’s like religions saying some are going to heaven and some are not. Livin’ ain’t always easy, especially with other people’s judgments which are anywhere from wonderful to demeaning. Who’s a better cook? The super brain or the one with the passion for pleasing others pallets? Does passion for something out weigh who is smarter, and smarter at what? IQ tests were created over a century ago. IQ scores are used for educational placement, assessment of intellectual disability, and evaluating job applicants. Each of us has blessings that others may be short of … in the moment anyway.
IQ test allegedly measure intelligence – more accurately should be referred to as a measure of intellect ability, or even further, measuring another’s ability to ‘recall’ – an eidetic memory. It’s about knowledge, you know that thing that can often be found on the computer by ‘googling’! Always question what others call ‘truth’, and that certainly can allude to IQ.
We actually, collectively and individually all have low IQ’s for what’s needed for a life living in superconsciousness! If we could measure the collective IQ of exploding technological achievements and compared to those of anyone, it might be like comparing the size of the earth to the sun. As each day goes by there are more and more innovations, insights, and anything creative for millions to use immediately are added to the collective ‘pot’ for use. Problem is, it’s like giving a ‘not too sharp monkey’ a computer. Not only is the monkey not ready for it mentally, but there are other factors more important to the monkey, and especially YOU. Have we fallen way, way behind in comparison in our development as ‘the new human being’, or said another way, ‘being human’?
IQ SCORES don’t reflect many qualities useful to a conscious, blissful life of joy. The big elephant in the room are qualities like Emotional Quality (EQ), as well as temperaments, sensitivities, intuition or psychic abilities. Nor is it factor in one’s passion, dexterities, creativity, happiness, soul, and so much more. How about our ability shown to love? Is it a mind thing or more a heart phenomenon?
Most of our qualities or lack of them can be improved by the intent to do so, with passion, persistence, and a strong will to know they will happen. Life is not about what others ‘pegging’ you into a ‘slot’, but one where judgments can be self analyzed for truth and correction or improvement. You have the godliness in your soul to be anything you can see and feel! Keep your feet on the ground, and see the highway to the stars of your positive intentions!
IQ & Reality.pdf