Submit to Surrender

Submit to Surrender
Amma Compassion by Paolito
April 23, 2010
To submit to love is life’s greatest blessings.  No submitting, no love.  To submit is no guarantee of love beyond a glimpse through biological/emotional experience. Submitting is to open the door to the unknown gifts of love if done consciously. The aware mind uses the best discernment in opening the door to learn and experience the fruits of love. Submit and surrender all trappings to enter into the chambers of a love into the divine.  But…

To submit to one with the intent of love’s blossoming is best done from the open heart and with as much consciousness as possible. Love is fleeting to those who submit to the biological/emotional state only, and without a conscious surrender to follow the scent of love in a compassionate, sensitive manner. Holding back in love or meditation is to keep one foot in and one foot out, which favors the ‘out’. Fear of losing oneself in either is not to submit but to have love run from the potential experience.

A surrender into the ‘divine realm’ of love only happens ‘after’ submitting and letting go totally. Putting up any barriers to love and meditation that are not necessary or avoidable are to snuff out the eternal experience of being filled with love. Real love is not a potion that comes in a bottle nor can it be earned.  It comes from confronting the opportunity with an open mind and heart with no reservations and complete trust.  Anything less will at most be a glimpse of bliss that gets lost in the fogs of fear. Biological or emotional love is fleeting while not reaching the deep spiritual experience that radiates within and beyond life as we know it.

To submit with consciousness is to enter the door for learning with an openness for all that prepares one to be at the invisible, ‘mystical door of surrender’ which only happens when the time is ripe, and ‘involuntarily’. Surrender happens in a deep meditation or deep love, and is a rare diamond of evolution. The inner world and the view of the outer world take on a divine sparkle that others don’t and won’t experience without ‘the happening’. To live life and not submit to the possibility of a divine surrender is to ‘flat line’ life where the melody of bliss and joy are found that the world is left searching for. Awaken and let go for the possibilities.

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