October 7, 2023
Enough is enough. It’s coming back around. God is karma. You trick yourselves to think you are alright, when in reality you have been living like a drunken sailor who knows not what they are doing. You live like you are the ‘king of the mirror’ you look in daily, yet know one cares that you deceive yourself into a swamp of self deception. You have made yourself into the ‘King of Enemies’ not seeing that you are the real enemy.
The ‘god of karma’ sees what you refuse to see, and opens the door to the karma that you fight to be free of. Karma wants to be your friend and not your ‘frenemy’ that rotates from consciousness to unconsciousness. Time to get free of the vice of that which shackles you to the ‘karma of retribution’ for your not awakening to who you have become in apathy and unconcern for the values that ‘good karma’ likes to respond to with a smile. You’ve been kicking the shit in your thoughts and talking for the hell of it making yourself irrelevant, missing that you are relevant to the evolution of humankind.
Have you become addicted to the betrayal of the blessings life has given you? Are you afraid to step into the light of self examination for fear of the ‘karma of inner pain’ that you will have to face? Of the people you have shunned or hurt that glare endlessly in the mirror of your mind that is always coming back around like ‘karma from what seems to be from nowhere, but is it from the angels within you that you have caused to fall? You are halfway there in the light if you stop and take the umbrage that is necessary to let the glow of the light of good karma shine on the dark karma? Are you unstoppable in the quest to make friends again with the angels around you that you have forgotten in your dark?
The nightmares of the past are over when you realize and use the secret of life that you ignore. That secret hidden in plain sight is the air you breathe for it is the ‘breath of life’, and when the good breaths of karma take over, they become the ‘breaths of love’. Open the heart, close your eyes, relax and watch the breath that is your essence and friend for life.
Now is the time you’ve waited for to rise from the ashes of self pity and the negative karma that follows you like a thief in the night. There is always something there to remind you, and that is the invisible god of karma sending bolts of joy and bliss to your renewed look of life and love. You are the master of your fate, but the ‘god of karma’ is the servant to send your fears and trepidation to the seas, rekindling you with the freshness of mind and heart.

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